The only way humans can go extint.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Over the years, I read a lot of stories about how humans can go extint. I cannot count all of them, but I will try.

  1. Pandemia.
  2. Atomic war.
  3. Asteroids or other celestial bombardment.
  4. A.I.
  5. Polution and exhaustion of resources.
  6. Alien invasion.

I want to demonstrate that none of this is valid, unless ....

  1. Pandemia. We never know what mother nature has in his bag, but we know something about desease. And we already know that all those medicine can help, but works much better on a strong body, with a powerfull imune system. By afraid, we don't do much, and in an organized way, to find better ways to strengthen this system. More, we can find out how our body works on the energy level. If we will work on all direction, not only in the most profitable one, we will be better defended against any nasty surprises, and will survive.

  2. Atomic war. This is a real danger, especially in times like this, with all kind of accusations, with a real hysteria about real or imaginative threats. Let's remember that in the Cold War era, atomic war was averted many times because no one realy think that such an attack is posible, because this means mutual assured distruction. Now, there are some parts that think they have an advantage, and can win such a war. Vain hope, in my opinion. But still, we can avoid such a development, if we wake up, and shake the politicians a little.

  3. Asteroids and other celestial objects. Again, a probable threat. But, can we develop some systems to detect and destroy or divert an asteroid. Yes, if we allocate enough money sooner, rather than later. If we cannot do much, the object is to large, we can go underground, and some of us will survive, and the humanity will continue in some form. For now, only some very rich people has this assurance, that they will be the next ''cavemen''. And because they are to few, they will also be the next stoneage men, if, God forbid, something like this will happen.

  4. Artificial Inteligence. In my opinion, A.I will come without notice. We don't know how self consciense can appear. But we know that all forms of life learn by imitating what they see. In our days, some of the most developed form of artificial inteligence are used to kill other people, and to destroy. So, forget about first law of robotics of Mr. Asimov. We can wake up in a morning and find out that the robots are conscious. But if we wake up before, we can do something about this.

  5. Polution and exhaustion of resources. This is the a present and somehow silent killer, known by everyone, but never taken seriously enough. But with some inteligence, and some restrain, can be managed, if we don't act to late.

  6. Not yet.

Let's look at those previous possible causes of extinction. They all can be prevented, or at least, can be minimized in a suficient way, to preserve our species. With one condition. If we eradicate the biggest threat.

  1. Stupidity. Yes, stupidity is the only one threat which can kill us all. Some will say that greed is another cause. But greed is also stupid. All forms of people sins are stupid, or at least, a symptom of lack of education, which is stupidity of the educational vectors.

  2. Alien invasion. In my opinion, our civilization is very young. Most chances are that there are much older civilizations around us, in our neighborhood. And I believe that what Mr. Robert Bigelow had said in his ''60 Minutes'' interview, that ET are already here, is true. What are they waiting for, to make a contact? Maybe they are waiting for a wise humanity. We are clever, we are inteligent, we are creative, but we also are stupid some times, in very important problems. We must became wise. Not for the sake of others, but for our sake. For our future.

  3. We must became wise, to manage our resources well, and stop the polution of this resources.

  4. We must became wise to understand that what we do, will be copied by our creation, being that children or robots.

  5. We must undertand that knowleage of our cosmic surroundings is esential for survival, in many ways than one.

  6. We must learn to understand one another. One side can't, and will never have everything. It wasn't, and will never be a master of all the world.

  7. We must be wise, and understand that our body is a part of nature, and must be streghten in a natural way, not with drugs that cure some parts and poisons the rest.

So, this is my conclusion. And I'm sorry if I had offended some one, but this is my true believe.

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