How To Tap Into Your Hidden Talents (featuring @caitlinm as author)

in #life8 years ago

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Everybody has got a talent, even Jack the dull boy. They is a special side to every individual. Something special that just flows naturally and that you can do effortlessly. Many individuals know this part of themselves, many more are still searching to discover this part of themselves, while majority do not even know they have talents.

Talent means a natural skill or special ability that allows you to do something exceptionally well. Then the term “Hidden Talent” means that part of you that is yet to be discovered and lays hidden in your being.

So to tap into your hidden talent, you must first discover your talent. You’ve got to know that you got talent and it's somewhere inside of you. To achieve this, follow this magic 3 step formula and you will be well on your way to discovery of that genius that lays hidden inside of you.

Know who you are!

The word is populous and they are very different kinds of people all over the world. As different as everybody is, so are we all built distinctly. I read in a book where the author talked about a special girl named Vivian. She was special but she did not know it, because the whole world thought she was a freak. Every time and every opportunity she had, she always tries to fit in with the society and because she was special, she could not perfectly fit in and all she did seemed wrong and absurd and thus the name “freak” became associated with her. She continued living a tormented life, in fear and apprehension until she meets David, a guy that was equally special like her, but the difference between she and David was; David knew he was special and different, so he did not bother blending in. He was himself and he succeeded. David helped her and she realized how special she was and how she was better than every other person that calls her freak.

Vivian could not discover herself because she was constantly trying to blend in with others; if like Vivian you have not answered these questions then should now.

Who are you?

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Are you being who you are? Or who the society, your family or friends wants you to be? Because until you finally discover that all you are doing, and every decision you take, you do it for you, you do it based on who you are, not based on what someone wants you to be. Then you cannot continue on the journey of finding your hidden genius.

You must be real with yourself, you must set yourself at peace with you and stop the war that comes with trying to fit in where you don’t belong. Once this is achieved and you have answered the questions above. Then let’s move to the next step.

Do a little soul searching: take a pen and a piece of paper, find a conducive and quiet environment and take your time to answer these questions:

What truly Inspires you.

Determine what energizes you, what drives your spirit and makes you enthusiastic about life.

What do you do conveniently without much stress?

Think about all the things that come to you naturally, that you can accomplish with little efforts.

  • What do you enjoy doing and that you will gladly do for free?
  • What do you want out of life?
  • What do you engage in that makes you forget about any other thing?

The answers to these questions carry within it your hidden talents, carefully go through what you have written down and determine in one sentence what truly your hidden talents is.

Some lucky people have numerous talents and you can be one of them. Identifying your genius is a big leap, but the job is not done yet. Most people know their talents, but they are not motivated enough to develop it and make it stronger. So here are a few ways you can motivate yourself to tap into that talent you just discovered.
There are different forms of motivation, I will list a few and you can pick what works best for you.


Everybody is ambitious, but there are only few people that their ambition steers them towards great things and inspire their drive to develop their talents.
You can be ambitious and still ambition will not be your source of motivation. However, when you see a person driven by ambition you quickly know, because they are never tired, they never give up, they try all possible ways until they achieve their aim and most times they don’t care about the consequences.

A Loved one

Many people are motivated each day by the thoughts and existence of a loved one. The encouragement and push a loved one gives them is capable of propelling them to greater heights by encouraging them to tap into their hidden talents. Their presence, care and support carry them through each day and gives them strength to forge ahead in spite of challenges.


Pride can serve as a source of in motivation in tapping into your talents. Most people do everything from getting married to a particular type of woman, having a kind of job, living a trending lifestyle etc. all out of pride.


Simple and self-explanatory, obligation is the most common source of motivation in our world today. As a matter of fact more than half of the populations of the world do almost everything out of obligation. Do you perform better when you are under obligation? You might want to explore this if you do.


Love is one of the strongest sources of motivation; with love in your heart you can motivate yourself to be the best by tapping into your hidden talent and developing them for greater use. love is in fact amongst all, the most perfect source of motivation. Love is powerful and its power is limitless.

So, I hope you've at least considered going on a journey to find yourself; true introspection can be very revealing and a life-changing experience!

Don't forget to follow me @caitlinm if you're curious about my next projects. (I do art, design and random ramblings, too! ;) )


@dragonslayer109 features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. ALL STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post - @caitlinm. Thank you


@caitlinm is a FRAUD

I wanted to let you know that I found "Caitlin's" verification picture on Fiver.

"caintlin" also purchased another picture from a Fiver user a month ago. Look familiar?

Talents, Abilities, and Gifts are the keys to being flexible, relevant and to live a satisfying life. The ability - what you are just born knowing who to do, or the thing you can the easiest, is what you get paid the most for. The How To getting paid for it is charge them what they are worth! You value them and their potential contribution to the world. Place the price tag on that. When you undercharge what you are worth, you are doing the work for your own satisfaction. When you charge a fair amount for the value you are providing, you are doing it for their benefit and not your own. That is the bell weather of knowing if you are on track. Valuing what comes naturally is a challenge since it feels so easy- how can you charge for THAT. Yet, how brilliant to learn that being who we are has the MOST value. Wow. So glad I answered this post as the realization that "being who we are has the MOST value" is the answer to my frustration of understanding this myself. So lets go forth and make money valuing who we are for what comes naturally. Here is a viral video from YouTube that truly brings home this point

Talent is nothing without action :)

Wow. The subject is so vast that I'm scared to evrn give it a try. So many philosophers from Antichity searched for answers. "Who am I ?" , "what is all this ?", "what is important?", "what is life?", why ?, where ?, for whom? , etc...I loke the metaphysics very much. That's the reason I'm quite humble in this area. I think these questions are extremly hard to "play with".

To be more practical (I feel that's also your intention), from my limited life experience:

  • what I am is not what I think I am. Never was.
  • what I like is valued for 1% of the people I met. And I'm an ordinary man. Too ordinary, actually. But we have so many "faces", "interests", "desires", false desires, biases, misconceptions anout us and's just hard to find a person on the same frequency. At leas for a short time.
  • what i liked at 18 is very different from what I liked at 25 or 35. Now I'm 38. I really like discovering. Anything. From a tasteful apple to a avangard theory. It comes in my mind the dark forest theory from the most important SCI-FI Chinese writer.
  • what I value is very different from what I do/I spend my majority of time.
  • I don't know myself.I never did.I'll never do. But I'm not nervous about it. I like to explore and to share my findings. Maybe, without expecting anything, somebody, sometime will find some use of them. Or not. It's not so important.

Even if my comment looks like a negative one and it seems I'm an arrogant prick, this wasn't my intention.

I'm just saying that the subjects you've chosen are BIG BIG BIG and "scary".


Each of us has talent we just need to identify and cultivate it.

But is we find the hidden talent we have yet another hidden talent to find!
Great post & thank you for sharing.
We are all geniuses in our own understanding of (our own) universe.

I think for any given skill we all have amount of natural ability that puts us on the spectrum of shit at the bottom to master at the top for that skill. Work, practice, and study are what makes up the remaining, and mastery of anything is possible for anyone.

talent criterion is relative with respect to time and the importance of this skill. the steps that can make a lot of people have already ceased to be a Tallant

Some very good points in this article. Do you think we can add that failure helps ultimately to know yourself better? Therefore to find your core self and to build upon that core to achieve success?

I love how you take time out of your busy day to help aspiring authors. The creative world could use more people like you.

Hell, the world in general could stand to benefit from a surplus of you.

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