Governments having too much power and how voting makes a difference

in #life6 years ago

The government should be in place to help its population, not to have dominion over it.
It can be easy for someone in a position of power, specifically a role of care, to slip into thinking they know what is best for the person they are caring for. Currently this is where much of the world is with their governments, the people have allowed themselves to become a possession and the government has built the idea that they have a dominion over people. The government was made to serve the population as a tool for the people to better themselves however it has become a tool for the people within to better themselves and potentially oppress anyone outside of the core.

Politics is an ever changing ecosystem and as the political climate changes some problems are fixed but other problems arise and I think currently one of the major problems that has come about is misinformation and manipulation which leads to many wider issues, for example if one person is emotionally manipulated and misinformed into further spreading a false message they may spread that message using manipulation thinking they are trying to help when really they are only being a hindrance.

Issues with how people vote:

Elections were created so that a population can vote for the type of system they want to see in charge for the next number of years, usually four, however rather than voting for the system people see as the best for the current climate they do two main things, they vote for a personality or they vote for the same system every year.

Both of these methods are equally frustrating and they both bring their own issues. Voting based on a personality is an enticing way to vote because initially you would want the person you are initially drawn to the most to be in power, someone who you think you can agree with.

The issue with this is that a person is not a party they are the face and when you are voting for a person you are never just voting for them you are voting for them their ideas and most importantly the party they represent, within most political systems. The person voted for does not work alone, they have a huge team of other officials surrounding them to vote on what they collectively think is best and within this there is a hierarchy of people who run different areas ie. Military, foreign affairs and so on. These people will make the majority of the decision in the field they are head of and they will closely advice the head of the party. So voting for an individual ignores and undermines basically the entire political system across the globe and can cause so many issues because it neglects all of the other people involved in said party who will also make decisions and impact lives. Voting in this way is an attractive way to vote because it is easy and you only have to compare a few people rather than entire political ideologies of large groups of people and the disagreements within any large group, however you need to be educated on these things if you want to see change on your preferred direction.

Loyalty to a single party is another closed minded way of voting because you ignore the fact that there is a vote every four years for a reason and part of that reason is that a country if full of a large amount of different people and it will generally include a upper, middle and working class who all want to be represented and need to be represented at times. History shows that we have these representatives for a reason and we regularly vote for a reason and that reason is one way of thinking will eventually drive a country into the dirt, things need to adapt and change as a country does. The world really is complicated and during some periods a certain way of thinking and acting needs to be put in place to make positive change and then down the line things will change and some things will be fixed and other issues will arise and a different way of thinking will need to be employed to fix what became an issue, also a different way of thinking needs to be employed to stop the areas that are working from going stale. Only ever representing one type of person for entire lifespans can work well for small groups however it will be detrimental to the masses and after enough time if the masses aren't represented and helped a country will begin to fall apart.

These ways of voting can often put the wrong party in power for the time, it also make people vote relatively blindly to the actual issues that are at hand and if you never fix issues they will only ever continue to grow, they won't fix themselves when it comes to politics. I also think that these ways are very selfish ways of voting because at times you do have to think about what is best for the country you are in and not just for yourself, because as I said different types of people need to be represented and different ways of thinking need to be employed at certain times. Only voting for yourself will eventually harm the rest of the country which will come back around in time.

Another issue is that these ways of voting also give a lot of power to either a single person or a single party because if you and people around you only ever vote for the same party automatically without even thinking, that party will become aware of that a realize that they will have to do something insane and drastic to sway people from voting for their party. If a party doesn't need to fight for peoples votes they can start to change they system over time to give themselves and their party more power and the longer they are in power the more power they can amass.

The power struggle:

Any governing body needs a certain amount of power to work in any way however a governing body can also be given to much power and become worse than the issue it set out to solve and it is down to the people of a country to give and take power when it is necessary. It can also be easy for people to give up their power to the government in times of fear such as war, even though governments ideally should not exploit people it is as much down to the people not giving away too much power as it is to governments taking power,

In recent years I feel that the government have been given to much power over the decisions people make in their personal lives and rather than being a tool to help people many governments have become a tool to help themselves, the only thing that can stop a government gaining too much power and becoming a dictatorship is for the people to take some of that power back.

I don't believe that extremism works because if you use extreme methods to take down a system the new one will be built on those extreme values and the cycle will continue and we are seeing the impact of backing extreme groups all across the world today. It is well documented that during my life, the past 20 odd years, England and America have helped fund extremist groups in the middle east in efforts to overthrow rulers they disagreed with and we are still seeing, and should be held partially accountable for, the devastating acts these groups have committed since they were helped. It is also backed up even further that extremism doesn't work due to the fact that multiple groups were funded over a span of years which all resulted in similar destruction and devastation.

It can be exceedingly hard to find the best method in taking power away from aspects of a governing body however I think it comes down to people educating themselves so that they are best equipped to help make a positive change, rather than playing the blame game until things really get out of hand. Although they say ignorance is bliss it doesn't change the fact that ignorance can lead to a whole list of things that most people don't want to see happen.

It really is a complicated world nowadays and it can be hard to have your voice heard but it won't ever be if you don't put it out there. Let me know your thoughts in the comments, upvote if you enjoyed and follow for more.


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