Truth about medicine. Some doctors fool you. Ads fool you.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Every profession has their own truths that people who outside of it don't know.
Most of our society are not doctors, and we pay for this illiteracy.

Image source


Those drugs are tested on hundreds of people, then statistic comes. They look for statistical error - around 5%, but some "experts" can lower or raise this bar.

Why do they raise? Money. A company spent millions of $ to make this drug, and then statistic show that they have made a trash, 10% of peole get side effects, and 10% zero. What will they do? SELL

What does 5% threshold mean?

It means that if 100 people use this drug, then 2 - 3 people will get side effect and 2 - 3 people will get NO result.

When you use drug you always have something around 2-3% chance to get side effect or no result. It's even greater for aggressive preparats.

There is 3 axioms in medication treatment:

  • the more ill is dangarous the more aggressive cure
  • the more effective drug the more it has side effects
  • when we choose a drug we don't want to choose the most effective, we wanna choose the most balanced between risk and effect.

There is interesting drugs effects:

  • cure, which improve quality of life (no simptoms), could damage life expectancy.
  • or we can use a cure that improve life expectancy but simptoms could go mad


Not every Antioxidan is usefull, and even amount counts. Oxygen is really dangerouse for cells , but we need it, need ROS ( a product of oxygen ) for carcer prevention. - source

Natural herbs could be effective.

One of the most "popular" patient for hemodialysis in China is someone who got poisoned by herbs. China is very into traditional medicine. Why do you think we call this traditional medicine? Why do doctors not fond of them? It's hard to predict what will be, and track what helped exactly...

Advertisment can sell to you Homeopathy

Homeopathy preparats are contain microdose of something. On russian's TV there were 2 - 5 Homeopathy "cures" for season ilness. Those illneses which could easely be cured by our body, or through time. READ description of drug carefuly. They use your blind spots.

p.S: it's not complete list ...




Nice post! I just have a question because I am a little confused. When you said that :"Not every Antioxidan is usefull, and even amount counts. Oxygen is really dangerouse for cells , but we need it, need ROS ( a product of oxygen ) for carcer prevention" do you infer that oxygen is an antioxydant? Also do you infer that some antioxydants are bad? As far as I know for a general definition point of view, antioxydants are very good because they prevent our DNA from oxydizing. Oxygen was the most poisonous element on the planet billions years ago, much more than radioactive agents today.

Nice post again! :)



Stable oxygen that we breathe in every day is O2. O3 is an unstable form of oxygen that has an extra electron looking to pair itself. This instability is what makes O3 a universal cleaner. For example: lightning creates O3 and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in our atmosphere and in our water to help cleanse our planet. O3 breaks down in water to (H2O) and (O2). O3 is stabilized by a covalent bond with the silver atoms creating the oxygen silver covalently bonded molecule. The combined antiviral and antibacterial properties of silver with the natural cleansing power of the O3 makes it one of the most powerful immune system boosters.

Free Radicals are formed naturally within our bodies to clean up toxins. Free Radicals are often formed in excess today as a result of environmental pollutants as well as diets heavy in sugars and rancid oils. These excess free radicals snatch electrons from healthy molecules and are considered a primary cause of aging. The body needs help to supply these free radicals with electrons. Once these free radicals are supplied with an electron they can be eliminated from the body before they do further harm. The covalent bond of the O3 particle of our oxygen silver molecules is easily broken once in the body and becomes available to satisfy free radicals by providing the needed electrons. Our product is therefore a free radical scavenger.

“O3 Selectively inhibits Human Cancer Cell Growth.” “…cancer cells are less able to compensate for the oxidative burden of ozone than normal cells.” O3 inhibits cancer 40-60%, and up to 90% in a dose dependent manner, yet there is no response from mainstream medicine. 1980 Aug. 22nd Sweet F, Kao M S, Lee S-CD (Dep. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO) & W. Hagar (St. Louis Air Pollution Control) Published in “Science” Vol. 209:931-933.

“… Oxygen is the most important healing substance, the most effective detoxification agent, the premium blood cleanser, the most potent antibiotic, a versatile hormone, a blood clotter and declotter, and the conductor of the orchestra of the immune system.” Dr. Majid Ali, M.D.The Institute of Integrative Medicine, New York

“Pathogens, bacteria and fungi cannot live in a highly oxygenated body. The hundreds of different diseases named by allopathy (whether viral, bacterial, communicable, autoimmune or degenerative) are but symptoms of one underlying cause. That cause is hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level, leading to internal toxicity." Two-time Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg M.D., PH.D.

O3 is such a powerful therapeutic tool because it deals with the underlying cause through both oxygenation and oxidation. O3 taken on a regular basis in the home will, over time, safely clean all the fluid of the body, and furnish an oxygen-rich environment for all the cells in the body, providing high levels of immunity from most common diseases.

Thanks for the reply, that is highly informative, I definitely did not know that to that extent. I am checking the links that you sent. So sources of AgO3 are antioxydants is that correct? In case I'm wrong where then can the AgO3 be found to be eaten? Can it be found in seaweeds and algae for instance?

I will post later super busy saving babies ;)

Is treating and curing many things like cancer

I have the testimonials

Silver Ozone

Cure for AIDS

Tetrasilver Tetraoxide


Homeopathy doesn't work. Medicine does work. Doctors work very hard and train their entire lives to help people manage their health. Do not up vote this poor excuse of a blog post with its misspellings and lies.

Perhaps if the poison in the vaccines weren’t slowly eliminating your chromosomes you’d be able to fully understand what’s happening in our medical fields.

Maybe you could be more clear about what poisons you think are eliminating your chromosomes. Because that is entirely nonsense. Please educate yourself with actual medical research before you go advertising your woo.

Death by medicine millions!!!
An estimated 10-year total of 7.8 million iatrogenic deaths is more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history.


Put Nutrition First!

(OMNS Feb 15, 2014) Don't get bogged down by silly claims that multiple vitamins kill, or that antioxidants are bad for you. It is high time to take a look at the record, and review what published medical research actually has been saying for eight decades.

NO DEATHS !! From vitamins
31 years!


You don't understood. I've wrote that they can sell to you Homeopathy products through TV ads. I am agaist it. I am not against doctors. Some of them really know what to do. But don't think that every drug is usefull. It's what abour my post.

Health does not come from laboratories

Yet again we have nutritional deficiencies from nature not drug deficiencies from science

Emergency / Trauma medicine is different

Don't people see those drug commercials with all those crazy side effects just to get an erection ?

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