EPHEMERA ETERNITIS Your daily wordscope! Deleting The PhD in "Crabology"Syndrome
Romans 12:10, Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.
Most of us who live in Africasuffer the frustration of unstable governments, wars andendemic poverty. Our climate is hostile to thegrowth of anything successful and prosperous. Anyonewho rises up high is hated and numerous injurious attemptsare made to equalize the person with the masses.We call it the “PhD (Pull him/her down) in crabology syndrome”. Ifyou put crabs in a deep bucket, they will all try to come outof the bucket. As one of them begins to go up high, anotherone grabs unto the rising crab and pulls him down. This process continues, until in the end, not a single crabis able to come out of the bucket. Finally all the crabs areready to be boiled and none of them escapes alive.This is the picture of our communities. Withoutknowing it, we keep each other down. Whereas somecommunities publish the hundred richest people in the nation,others harass and intimidate the hundred richest people.Political and “invisible powers”, as well as all sorts of investigations are used to intimidate thesuccessful people. They have to pay large sums of moneyto political parties otherwise all contracts will be cancelled. Many of the “big time” businessmen in Zimbabwe secretlysupport both the ruling and the opposition political parties.They want both sides to think they are with them. Several business people have identitycards, tee shirts and caps of all major political parties. The rich fear for theirwealth. That is why few foreigners invest in the country, inspite of many invitations.My experience in the past where I worked for Indians and later a Nigerian, taught me that the Zimbabwean is his/her own greatest enemy. We are the most jealous of all Africans so much that we can not tolerate each other's success, even in our immediate families. In this generation, we need to come back to the basics of the Word of God where we prefer others ahead of ourselves in honour. The Word is the only able antivirus software which can delete the virus of the “PhD (Pull him/her down) in crabology syndrome” which is corrupting our nations.
With Compliments
Simbarashe and Bernadette Makonese
(WhatsApp No:00263 736820310)
(https//www.facebook.com/Simbarashe Makonese)
Thanks for your observation. I think of Strive Masiyiwa in particular. We are benefiting from his struggle even the the oppressive ministers. Just imagine the history of the Econet struggle now Kwese TV. let's pray for Masiiwa and the Government to have mutual and positive understanding of each other. It's our responsibility and duty, as genuine Christians to pray for them