Powerful Ways That Make You More Assertive
What does "ambitious" mean to you? Exaggerated and overconfident are two words in the lexicon that are perceived favourably by some and negatively by others. Ideals or prior experiences certainly affected both points of view.
By assertiveness, I mean a self-assured attitude that finds no deficiencies in oneself or one's ideas or suggestions, is definite and unambiguous, protects one's rights, and demands what one wants. One more point to ponder: An egalitarian mindset that respects others' rights while allowing them to freely express their aspirations. Thus, it must not be confused with "egocentrism." In reality, there is a style that is equal parts aggressive and passive, setting appropriate boundaries between the person and others.
Consider the following points if you want to better set your limits, encourage people to listen to you, or protect your interests. I strongly suggest you to keep a journal of your decisions, feelings, questions, problems, and thoughts. Writing down your thoughts has significantly more impact than just thinking.
Your confidence in these two will increase your assertiveness. Do you recognise them? Whether you have reservations or not, you can ask people you trust to tell you/write the first adjectives that come to mind about you. So you'll be able to notice the similarities and variances between how you view yourself and how others see you. If you need drive or strength, simply ask them to repeat positive adjectives. You can ask both if you're willing to hear about your defects from others, and you can't blame those who say it.
Affirmativeness was frowned upon and meekness valued as a child. Our upbringing shapes many of our habits and attitudes. This can be in the same direction or the opposite. Do you think you could be influenced? What does assertiveness mean to you? Is there anything you don't think about? If so, what are they? What do you think of these elements? What is the ideal level of assertiveness?
Do you know someone who is aggressive, whose manner you enjoy, and who has earned your respect? What do they do differently? What distinguishes aggressive people you dislike from assertive folks you admire? Can you identify what attracts your dislikes and stimulates your inner critic? What does this find show you?
Do you allow yourself to make mistakes? Or do you continually check your actions to make sure they are immaculate, free of errors, and free of goals? Which do you value more? Do you want to perform flawlessly without fear of making a mistake and improve next time? But what if you don't keep your promises? Can you fund it or find a solution?
Why do you want to be more aggressive or popular? Is it because you have to be, or because you actually want to be? Are you certain? What rewards will you obtain now that you're more assertive?
Will you always be assertive? How are your current relationships and jobs? In which situations do you feel the most compelled to change?
If, after doing the above, you still lack ideas and approaches, this article includes a collection of solutions on the behavioural side of the problem. Begin with simpler themes and environments and work your way up to more complex themes and environments by analysing the results and making appropriate adjustments.
We want to understand more about the value of our unique ore in the new year, find it if we don't already know it, and trust it more.
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