How to Transform Hope into Reality

in #life8 years ago

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. Unknown.

Hope is magical. The feeling of relief and gratitude that fills your body when there is a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel is like none other. To get some sign that everything is going to be all right inspires us to hang on and keep going.

What happens after hope is important though. To get the flicker to grow into a flame depends on the following factors:

First is to focus your attention on what you want to happen. Your mind thinks in pictures and attracts what you think about all the time, whether you want it or not. Especially what you think about with intense emotion.

The way your brain processes “not” neurologically is different from how negatives are processed linguistically. Neurologically the “not” is ignored. That’s why it’s important not to think about what you don’t want – the pictures that represent the reality you hope to move away from. Focus with thought and feeling on what you do want.

To illustrate this let me ask you, “Do NOT think of a purple elephant with white dots.” What are you thinking about? The purple elephant with white dots of course! To not think of something is to think of it first. A Chinese proverb says it well, “The un-aimed arrow never misses.” So be careful what you think about.

Next is to decide on a course of action to make what you hope for real in your life. Hoping and thinking of what you want is not enough. To make anything happen is to take action.

The next step is to notice the results of the actions taken and make changes to keep on track. Being flexible in your thinking and actions is key here. If you don’t get the results that you expect, do something different. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is a sign of insanity as Einstein said.

This also implies managing your expectations and emotions about the results you want and get. And adopt the principle that there is no failure only feedback. This principle is the antidote to fear of failure, disappointment and perfectionism, because it allows you to take a risk and not make the results about you.

Hope builds resilience and is transformed into reality a step at a time following this success formula. Success builds success. Small steps of success result in giant leaps and create a cycle of success.

Subscribe now to and you transform your hopes and wants into reality. Step by step. You are supported and guided all the way.

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