in #life7 years ago (edited)

To Be or Not to Be: Your Choice (Part 3)

This is the concluding part of the series. You can view Part 1 on my blog here
and part 2 here

Must we get along with everyone?
The desire to be loved by everyone is commendable if not lofty. The plain fact is that you'll have to be all things to all people if you want to make it work. If you must be liked by everyone, you will become less than a pale shadow of your true self in the process. You will become a sort of chameleon.Whenever anyone criticises you, you will have to take his suggestions submissively and try to please him regardless of the actual value of his criticisms. You'll never allow yourself to disagree with anyone,nor would you ever own up to your own nor ever express a single opinion of yours. You'll always be a sort of composite mouse. All the time you'll wait to hear what the other fellow has to say, so you can 'yes sir' him. You'll just become like Lord Thion in "The Game Of Thrones" after he had been mind-twisted in the struggle for Winterfell. What a non-entity! In this case, for you to be liked by all, you'll become a smiling, smirking hypocrite, who has had his convictions and personality sacrificed on the altar of popularity and affection.
Indian_Chameleon_(Chamaeleo_zeylanicus)_Photograph_By_Shantanu_Kuveskar.jpgphoto by Shanta
Understand that there is a disadvantage in trying to satisfy the hunger to please all: If there are people who have ever been loved by everyone, I do not know them. But if there are, they are fortunate and few. I have met a man who has a grudge against God.He does not like Satan either. Some people have never cared about Jesus and his openness to Love and Mercy. Who am I to judge.The fact is that it takes all sorts of people to make a world. Therefore we will be wiser to jettison some of the nonesense written in most books about winning love and friendship, and focus on reality.The time and energy we spend on trying to become good Chameleons (into becoming the sort of volatile and agreeable personality that changes with each person we meet) would serve us far better if we spent it on cultivating the best qualities in ourselves.When you are your finest self, many will accept and like you better than when you bore and exasperate them with attempts at becoming a fake of someone else's original.

Do not forget: We all have enemies. We try to make less. You don't make peace with friends.You make peace with enemies. You must try your best to make friends and win enemies over to your love and sympathy. You are not alone on this. All great men;Jesus,Ghandi, Muhammad, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, Zoroaster, Washington, Nelson Mandela, Micheal Jackson, Ram Das Baba, etc all had enemies. But did it stop them from refining their characters to this level where the great number of friends and admirers overshadows and pales into insignificance that of their enemies.Their secrets are these:

a]Their primary purpose was not to win people's love and approval, but to do what was right.

b]They knew it was more important to them to love than to be loved.

c]They made good choice of friends. In their symbiosis,they brought out the best in each other.

d]They knew that some people hate success and progress and anything good. These great men discovered also that the only way to please haters of good and success is by becoming nobody and nothing. Jesus could only have pleased Satan if he had bent the knee to Satan and joined Him in hating God, and end up a failure like the devil.Is that acceptable!!!!!!!?

There are people like that. They will hate you if you are better than they are or have what they lack.There is no pleasing them. What to do????FLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you very much.

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