Surprisingly Calm

in #life4 years ago


Oh wow, I am feeling calm today, and isn't that a surprise? At least for me. Especially in these PMDD times...I am sorry to repeat this over and over as if I have totally identified myself with this monster. Or as if diabolic is my default. But instead of pushing the diabolical button today, I choose to cough sunshine all over your faces! Awww.

I am feeling calm. That's right!

So, what is this sense of calmness I am experiencing today? I guess all I want to say is that I think I am doing a great job with self-care these days. And take note, I am not delusional here. There's a big difference between being in la-la land in denial of everything bad, and just feeling naturally calm.

I am feeling legitimately calm in spite of the plague covering the world. In spite of financial uncertainty, global crisis, and whatnot. In spite of, we're all mad here Chesire Cat's way. Mad in a cool way though.

And guess what I am doing differently here?

I know y'all hate mediocre lists and bullet points so here you go:

  • I write every day (before not)
  • I moved to a new place (the previous place was giving me anxiety)
  • I removed toxic people in my life (well, people, in general, give me anxiety)
  • I have a new kitty (before nothing, pets do relieve stress)
  • I am eating healthy food (before only unhealthy food)
  • I am eating unhealthy food (before only healthy food)
  • I try to balance everything (before unbalanced)
  • I make sure I go outside every day (before only staying in)
  • I get my 8-hour beauty sleep (before I was sleepless)
  • I've been productive despite not having a job (I figure there are a lot of things to do around here).
  • I start noticing my plants (before they were about to wilt and die)

The only thing probably lacking here is exercise. Yeah I know, I'm a bit lazy and I have million other excuses not to do it. So, tomorrow I will probably go for a swim. Or yoga. Or walk on the beach, with my kitty on a leash, of course (he he he).

The point is, I am trying to accept the reality of my circumstances while making some little changes day by day.

Little change is better than no change at all. It may sound cliché but I live by this rule.

Although my situation hasn't improved yet, at least I am doing my best to give myself a chance to be better. To feel better. I mean, we are in the midst of a global pandemic here, so a little self-compassion is what we need.

I am curious, what are you guys doing to feel calm or to stay calm in these uncertain times?

Let me know your thoughts?

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