How Can I Survive this Dog-Eat-Dog World?

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I just spent my whole day going from one institution to another and waiting in queue. I forgot to say that waiting in line is one of the most annoying things in the world. So, I went from one bank to another to get some brownie points just so I can continuously get money or live. Yeah living, not as easy as it sounds. But as you all know, banks are damn cheeky. These financial institutions could easily fuck people up. If I get problems while traveling, like being robbed, I know very well that they will not send me anything or not even give me any options to get my money. They will tell me to come back to the country, probably travel halfway across the world just to get that damn replacement cards. That's what I am trying to avoid you know, go back. I don't travel the same route, lonely nomadic life. Sure I know, banks say it is just for security purposes. But I don't want to go through that hell again of not having any way to get money.

I am not going to travel anytime soon but I am moving to another town which is a bit far from civilization. I want to make sure I have everything right before I leave. Because the point is to save money, and the only way to do that is not to go back and forth just for some document or something. I work on my own so I have to live very simply, as minimalist as possible just so I could achieve my life goals.

Anyway, these days our banks now ask for the tax number/card to apply for new accounts, not a surprise after several crackdowns on crypto scams around here recently. The thing is there have always been desperate people scamming other people using fiat. That's what you get when there's high inequality in the society. It just happened that cryptocurrency is so hot right now that it has become the target of the banks. More and more people are seeing its value and claiming their power back. I reckon the banks are becoming strict because our good old politicians are scared of not having enough money to put into their pockets. They work side by side. And that's what you get when people let themselves be eaten by the bigger dogs. We have a saying around here, no one will maltreat you if you don't let yourself be maltreated.

So what happens in this dog-eat-dog world? What happens to the people who don't qualify for jobs anymore due to the ridiculous age limit that they need to live off cash, selling something on the road God knows what. And even if you get a job, you sacrifice your soul working 9 hours a day 6 days a week for peanuts. Real estate will offer you the promising 'your own house' in exchange for paying it in 30+ years or until you die, letting you further sacrifice your soul. Then the banks will promise loans and some imaginary money to alleviate people's lives. Meanwhile, international corporations and ruling elites cheat on taxes while the minimum wage earners continue to feed the politicians with tax money. But hey, what's new in this dog-eat-dog world?

You know the harsh reality of this dog-eat-dog world and if you don't know anything, the strong forces of the society will eat you alive. I am not saying that you be strong, go around and take advantage of other people. I am just saying that don't let the big dogs take advantage of you. Know thy enemy and play with them. Instead of letting them outsmart you, you got to be the one who knows the ways. There is no choice really, people are as cold as F. I realized these past few weeks how much people don't really care. They are just doing their business, protecting themselves, their jobs, their reputation or whatever the fuck they need protecting. They don't care. It sucks to be on your own sometimes, you always have to sleep with one eye open.

After 4 years of traveling and living somewhere, I choose not to be a corporate slave again. I work on my own now however little money I make. But I am free. I am free to work on my project, write about my crazy life and spend my time however I want. Time for me is everything. For the short duration of our lives here on earth, a life well spent is more precious than spending a lot of time to earn money.

The people in each bank got curious about how marvelous my life is as a travel blogger. That's what they thought, but I just smiled and say, it is marvelous. These people are just doing their jobs but the big dogs they work for can easily wipe out people's money. They do that on a massive scale through credits, loans, and some house financing. I complied with their requirements - proof of income, proof of residence/address and bills etc. Yeah, they got so strict with the requirements probably due to a number of cryptocurrency exchanges in the country now.

Because I planned this right at the beginning, I got all the requirements to present (even without having a job, it is hard to be free) and now I have all the accounts that I need. I wish I can live off cash but nomadic life and living off cryptocurrency force me to civil obedience. I got to live. Now it's time to let go of the bills and other obligations that will tie me to a place.

Just in time I'm transferring my internet subscription to another person who is willing to continue my 3-year contract, the internet guys just called and said 'there is no slot' for the connection in the neighborhood of the new owner. Right after I took care all of my bank stuff today, I went straight to this another big dog telling them not to fuck me up. I was promised by one of their technicians that there's a slot otherwise I would not have applied for the 'change of ownership'. I would not have planned to move to another town. If I didn't show them the proof of that agreement, if I didn't get irate enough today, I would still be tied to a contract or worse, be paying for something that I am not consuming anymore. This is how the big dogs make more money off people. They have a monopoly over people's needs.

Do you see what I mean? You need to assert yourself and be larger than life otherwise the big dogs will eat you. Plan how you are going to be safe. With all that has happened to me these past few weeks, I just don't trust people here anymore. I just feel like I have to record or keep documents of everything to protect myself, it sucks. It is such a cold thing to do but what can I do? It's a dog-eat-dog world!


I soooooooooooo feel you, sister! I also refuse to "work' a "job." I am soooo grateful that I am able to sell stuff online and make enough money to survive that way. I am only making enough to survive, and sometimes it feels like not enough for that. But I am absolutely bound and determined. I WILL be affluent being free and doing what I love. It really inspires me that you can provide for yourself with Steemit. I would love to make as much as you're making on your posts. It would raise me up to a new level in life above scraping so hard. I have my eggs in many baskets now. My husband is also a killer game streamer, and he just joined dtube, so I hope he makes a killing here! You sound a lot like me, and I'm going to follow you.

You just keep doing you. If you really, really fully do you, you are powerful as fuck and everything falls into place for you. Get it, girl! Fucking travel and have fun and write your ass off. These assholes can't touch the power of that. :) "Those who are not free will always be threatened by those who are free. Freedom can never be taken away." -Donny Epstein

Re-steeming, too.

But I am absolutely bound and determined. I WILL be affluent being free and doing what I love.

Way to go! Freely doing what you love is the best thing!

I would love to make as much as you're making on your posts.

Yeah and it takes some time. But if you are absolutely bound and determined, I'm sure you'll make something too!

Thanks for the resteem and awesome comment!

Persistence is key. And you are as persistent as fvC&!

And document everything, including names.

And document everything, including names.

Yeah, and this is crazy to do!

Did you ever look into square? They focus on small entrepreneurs. PayPal plans on doing the same.

Yeah I've heard about it. I need to take a look!

When I deal with people I seperate them into two categories and I deal with the two kinds completely differently. There are those who see others as competition or an enemy. I will not be kind to these people at all and I come up with ways to get around their attempts to control others and give no patience to them unless it costs 0 to me. I try to express love in everything that I do, but I do not show weakness to predators. Then there are those who are capable of cooperation and want to see others happy and I'm really really good to those people as long as they consistently show that they care about others.

You are doing great recently! I hope it takes off some of your financial pressure and helps you focus on things that you love instead of things that annoy you ;-P

Are you on discord BTW?

I try to express love in everything that I do, but I do not show weakness to predators.


I can be assured of the fact that some whales will not forsake me lol. Hopefully... Focusing on things that annoy me is quite inevitable though. But you only have a very tiny glimpse of my life and don't have a clue that I am indeed focusing on the things that I love. To each his own.

I'm on discord just not logging in regularly.

Feel free to drop a whale on me ;-)

It would be nice to talk sometime, I’d like to know all the great people I keep up with on steemit including you! I’ll send you a message and if you ever see it we can chat haha

You can of course always send me a message. Now that I'm moving somewhere with bad internet, replying might take some time.

What a maze, @diabolika! I know how you feel. I have been wanting to move about more freely, but due to some personal needs, I have to plan pretty well to make sure it's safe for me (healthwise).

This was probably a tough time to be getting bank favor due to a rough week for communications. Hopefully you're getting the favor you deserve.

Good luck with the planning stage, stay healthy and safe!

Hopefully you're getting the favor you deserve.

And yes, and I think I got it. Baby steps always.

Thanks @diabolika! My dream is to plan a move on some land where I can co-create on it with some good friends. It will take some time to sort out, but I think it could be the long term oasis I've always imagined.

Baby stepping it here too, my friend.

Wow, that is an amazing idea and you have my full support for that!

Let's keep on working with our dreams, @diabolika! I know many of us came here to meet our soul groups in a very cool way for a very cool reason. Call me a fool, but I have some dreams I've witnessed since I was a small kid and I feel like it's what is becoming now. I have a feeling many of us will be together in a cool community that keeps on getting better, including great places we can live and be in supportive energy.

I have a feeling many of us will be together in a cool community that keeps on getting better, including great places we can live and be in supportive energy.

I'm with you!

Good luck.

It's so stupid how these massive corporations act. So many don't really have any power to do anything. They just follow procedure. There's no real reason for them to be in their job because they're just part of the machine. They could just be replaced by machines. Often their procedures don't even make sense.

Often their procedures don't even make sense.

I couldn't agree with you more!

Oh my God, I'm becoming addicted to your posts!

Also...maybe you should think about being a river guide? Every once in a while you get a banker in your boat. Sometimes cops. Judges. Lawyers...

Sometimes there are "accidents," and while no one gets hurt (hopefully), they have a scary experience. What I call a "Religious Experience." It's pretty satisfying!

Hahaha I can imagine that religious experience while on a river tour!

I wish I could upvote this more than once.

I really like that saying and I completely agree. I was arguing with someone about a similar issue just today and I said pretty much the same thing (just less succinctly lol).

lol thanks!

Sounds like a nightmare but I know what it's like too. Recently had to move house and disconnect the utilities and get our bond back. Was no easy task and it would have been very easy to let myself get walked over if I didn't stand up for what I knew was right. Keep living the free life @diabolika :)

Was no easy task and it would have been very easy to let myself get walked over if I didn't stand up for what I knew was right.

I know what you mean. Sometimes, I'm trapped between just letting things go and standing up for what I know is right.

Thanks @harrynewman! 😊

One simply cannot put a price tag on being free, its a totally priceless experience 😊

True words!

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