My Motivation And My Heart. My Two Little Angels :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

First off let me start by saying i love my babys so much :)
This little angel has more of my heart then any other girl could ever have. I woke up today and picked her up and thought to myself that i needed to post some content on two of the most important little people on the planet.

Here she is my little beauty :)

I have two children my little angel who is 6 months old and my son who turns 5 in a few weeks. I'm a mostly single father, when i say mostly i mean that i have both of my kids and take care of them. Their mother is in and out but she is around she just does not have her self together in a way that she can see what's the most important in life. I'm a firm believer in children need both parents and no matter what state she is in i would never keep my kids from her. Yes i will protect them and keep them safe but that can be done easily.

Here they are with their mother not to long ago. I really love this photo.

Over the course of the past five years things have been up and down, good times and bad but through it all i have become the man I've always wanted to be because of these two little children. I've learned how to really open my eyes to the beauty of life and realized that i once took so much for granted ( 5 mins to myself for example :). See its very easy to get so caught up in life and ourselves these days that people rarely see the amazing that is all around them. We focus so much on this little bubble that we put ourselves in that we forget their is a whole beautiful world out there. The thing about having struggles in life good or bad is that they can either pull your focus deeper into your bubble or at certain points can open you up to everything around you. For me having my babys and going through all the motions involved with the process of learning fatherhood helped me to truly realize what is really important to me in life. Instead of drawing deeper into my bubble it opened me up and helped me to see life for what it is, A miraculous journey filled with love, pain and adventure!

Don't get me wrong life can be very hard and isn't all unicorns and rainbows this i know first hand.. My son is disabled and learning to be the man i needed to be in order to care for him was a real challenge, especially because i hadn't truly found myself yet. The first few years were peppered with surgery's and struggles that presented me with a true turning point in my life. I had to figure everything out fast and choose what was important to me. In the end of it all i came out a better man, father and human being and my son well he is the most amazing and strong little boy you will ever meet, above that he is perfect in every way :)

Here's my little man.

During this process and well figuring out my new life something amazing happened without me realizing it! I became a man and not just any man, A good man. Before my children i was selfish and i didn't stop to pay attention to anything really. Now i look for the hidden beauty and amazing that is every where. Life isn't perfect and never will be but, it is what you make of it and i choose to make my life great because the better outlook i have the better life my children have and that is what matters. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in remember that life is what you make it. Don't let lifes hardship control your destiny, instead choose to control what parts of life you focus on. I could choose to look at all the things and struggles that life throws at me and let it bring me down or i can choose to broaden my understanding of life and those struggles and see how those hardships will make me better in the long run.

Is life perfect? The answer to that question will always be a matter of opinion but we have the choice of what opinion we have. Sure I still have a lot of struggles to deal with daily ( single father, two kids, one disabled ) but its all in how you look at it. I have a good job that i really enjoy, I have some amazing friends and people in my life even though they may be few, I can provide for my family fully even if sometimes it is hard and most importantly I have the two most amazing people in my life, my beautiful kids :) My message here is that we might not control what is put in front of us in life, but we have complete control of our outlook on life as a whole. Live, Love and be happy for what we have!

Thank you for reading and i hope that you were able to take something special from this article. This is the single most personal piece i have made public. I really enjoy writing but have been apprehensive on really opening up. I have a lot to say and love to share my insight on life but sometimes can be shy and show self doubt. Writing is an amazing outlet for anyone who is inclined to try but can also be very difficult to master the perfect blend of professional and personal. I hope to continue to grow as a writer and photographer here with you all on the steemit platform :)


Youre a wonderful daddy! Life can throw some curve balls thats for sure but you take it in stride with strength and dignity! Your kiddos are beautiful. Keep on keepin on! They will see all you do and love you very much for being such a wonderful human! :)

Exactly, we cant control everything but we can keep our chin up and make the best and by doing that life can really surprise you in the best way. Thank you for the supportive words my littles always know that they have me :)

Definitely! Youre most welcome! :)

Thank you for sharing your touching story with all of us. I think you can be really proud of yourself being a single dad. I appreciate you don't keep the kids away from the mother until they are safe and sound.

You just believe in yourself and with positive thinking, you will definitely make a huge favor to you and your beautiful kids. I sincerely wish you all the best!

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