4 short stories or meanings about friendship

in #life7 years ago

4 short stories or meanings about friendship

   1. Cat and stone

 There are two friends walking on the desert during a long day trip. They talked together, and there was a heated debate about something. Not keeping calm, one of them slapped his friend. Feeling very hurt but the friend did not say anything.

"He just quietly wrote in the sand," Hi, my best friend has fallen on my face. "They continued to walk until they saw an oasis where they decided. I will stop and vacation. The friend who had been slapped inadvertently slipped and fell into a quagmire and gradually subsided. But the other man saved him.

- As soon as he was rescued, he carved a stone nearby: "TODAY, MY BEST PEOPLE HAVE SAVED MY LIFE".

The friend then asked: "Why when I slap you, you write on the sand and now you carved on a rock?"

And the answer he got was:

"When someone hurts us, we should write that up in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness will eradicate the blame, and when we get good from others, We have to inscribe it on rocks, where no wind can fly. "

2. Little friend, great impact

On a hot day, a tired lion after a day's feeding, sleeps under a tree. A mouse passed by, saw a sleeping lion dancing on the lion's back.

The lion wakes up, angrily being awakened, he grabs the mouse and yells at him

"That little animal, how dare you wake up to the green forest? I will crush you with my claws "

Rats begged "please forgive me, I will never forget and I will repay you someday"

The lion was very funny with the words of the mouse, but he felt sorry and let the mice go

Rats are too happy to hurry

A few months later, while hunting in the forest, the lion enters the hunter's net and it can not escape. The lion roared for help, rescuing the forest.

The mouse lied to the lions last time, heard the roaring lion, he rushed to see stars. Seeing the lion in the net, he said, "Do not worry, I will help." The mouse gulped down the ropes to escape the lion. The lion sees that doing good to others will always be grateful

3. What the bear said to him

One day, two friends were walking in the forest, they saw a big bear passing by.

One ran away immediately, he climbed up the hedge.

The other person does not keep up, he faces the bear is approaching. He lay down, holding his breath pretending to be dead.

The bear came close and sniffed at his face, but he tried to hold his breath and pretended to be dead. The bear smelled forever but saw him dead, so he left, not harming him.

When the bear has left, the friend on the tree drops down. He asks you "what the bear whispered in your ear"?

The bear told me to "never trust the person who left you alone in danger."

The other person is too embarrassed, sorry you for leaving you running away. Your friend may have been in danger while he hid on the tree safely. Friends must help each other in times of tribulation.

4. Warm breakfast

  The alley opposite a university, every morning is quite noisy. In the alley people sell breakfast, there are all kinds: rice, noodles, noodles, sticky rice, bread ... Depending on the profession, interests, pocket money that each have different choices ...

  In the morning I also saw two students, probably roommate, came to buy almond bread. They go to college across the street. A uniform, a pair of handbags, the other holding a loaf of bread, they crossed the street, hidden in the back lanes.

"Breakfast is king's meal ...". TV also propaganda that people should eat breakfast to get energy for a day of work, labor, study hard. I used to wake up late, eat breakfast in a hurry, through loudspeaker, to the noon eye without flowers, belly is not hungry. Breakfast only, into a habit, a need or simply for fear of not eating breakfast will be scolded.

One morning I get up early, perforated into the alley to buy bread. The morning air is still airy, the sun only slightly touching the foliage, gentle touches on anyone.

Again, two students from the alley came out. They stopped by the car bread. But one of them was a little embarrassed: "You bought it, I do not eat it." He was surprised: "Why?" Then suddenly remembered, he "ah" up one hour. Seeing his loaf, he swiftly broke in half and gave the other half to you: "Divide the salt!" When you need a little salt, let alone how big a loaf of bread. He winked, smiling innocently.

Two people, still shirt

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