Power of Your Mind - How to be anything you ever wanted to be
The power of your mind is so powerful it could make you go from poor to rich, if you allow it.
Your concious mind is only 5% and the other 95% is your subconcious mind. Your subconcious mind is so powerful it could change your reality, physical features or even your mindset. Believe it or not, you could do anything or be anything if you believe in it by changing the way you think and have faith in yourself .
Before you were 7 your subconcious mind is working at it’s hardest sinking in the information from your experience, it sinks in the a lot of things like the way you talk, walk, the way you think, your mind is sinking in every single little bits until your 7.
You don’t even realise the way you think shapes your reality and let me tell you, the way you think makes every difference.
Some people give up easily and some people never take no for an answer, the big different between those two is their mindset. The one that gave up never bother to see the finish line but the one that never gave up wanted to see the finish line so bad the only thing on the mind was the finish line, that person wanted to taste the glory behind it so every night he imagines what could be behind the finish line, this is the mindset of a winner. Both of their mindset is already set before they were 7 and if you are the guy that gave up you could change your whole mindset and change your reality to a completely different person you nerver realised you could be, the winner just by reaching in and change your subconcious mind.
There is no easy way to access the subconsious mind and there are 2 ways, hypnosis and repitition. For a professional basketball player to shoot the basket they went through so many shooting drills, doing the same thing over and over again for so long he knows how much power to put in the shot and where he needs to aim at every position on the field, he was building his subconcious mind since his first training session and he didn’t even realise how many time he repeat the same action and now he does it without even thinking. You could change your mindset just like that but it’s not easy, you have to repeat the same action for so long until you realise one day you convince yourself without doing that action.
If you want to be successful you have to tell yourself you’re so successful so many times until your concious mind realised that you ARE successful without telling yourself thay you are. Without thinking about all the negatives thoughts, things will fall in place for you before you even know it. Before you know it the images you saw on your mind will come to life.
That’s why the successful people succeed and the the people who fail keep on failing. It’s not what you do, it’s what you think.
Everybody has the ability to do anything but never focus and repeat on that area of their their mind so the thought got lost in your subconcious, so bring back that thought and think positive.