Day 2 of feeling like a bag of spanners gone wrong.
If I thought I felt bad yesterday, today was a whole new level of feeling like crap.
I think I now have insight into what it must feel like being 80 and worn out. Three times I was up in the night, the morning was the worst though.
Maybe I just forgot what it was like being ill, I do not know, I do know what this morning felt like. Every time I moved it felt like a knife was pushed into my lower back, with me letting out a "ouch" the most hilarious thing though was my eyeballs even hurt, so looking up, left or right had me saying "ouch" also.
One of the bonuses to this situation were my ladies staring at me and silently laughing, I could see that even though they feel ill also, my plight was lifting their spirits up. Marvellous, just what I needed.
Coughing in the morning is like trying to get a whole bag of marbles removed from my throat it seems. Is it always this bad? I can not remember a sore throat and cold being like this before.
Bonus number 2 - I have a lot of spare time, and managed to find this banner maker. banner It is free and online. So I can start making my own banners, so can you.
#bashadow suggested "hot toddy" with honey and lemon, well I managed to get out and get the brandy part of that, & am happily sitting here sipping it neat. Amazing how much better we can feel with the warm glow of brandy inside. So once again, here is hoping tomorrow brings a healthier day, before I turn into a alcoholic. (hic)
Have a marvellous day & hope you feel better than I do.
My bike/photo
What no "bless you" 😁, Have a great day.
Well you did get a small upvote, now you want a "bless you" too?? LOL
Okay maybe I am asking wayyyy to much, how about "gesundheit" then? thank you for the vote, I am still waiting for the day a whale stops by and votes, though decided against holding my breath till it happens. (much to my delight)
Hot Toddys is where its at! At least you can give your girls a giggle, that makes things a bit better! Hope you get to feeling better soon.... after a few of those toddys it wont matter either way! :D
Cheers, it is already starting not to matter any more, I feel like a glowing light bulb already(hic). :-)
HAHA! Im sure youre glowing bright! ;)
Drink more whiskey.
Oh trust me I am, any excuse to feel the "glow" as they say.
No excuse needed.