Are You Feeling Lonely?
Hi Steemians!

Are you feeling lonely? Somehow, most people avoid this question or even deny it. Like maybe they'll say "I'm fine". It's true that we can't read people's mind, but we can read their faces, reactions and emotions.
There are so many factors that can make someone lonely. Some people wants to be lonely, some lonely because of problems they face.
Lonely sometimes good, but if this lonely takes too long, then this ain't good. People around you will try to help you. If you're a kind of person that rarely spend time with yourself and always go out with friend, when you're lonely your friends will start asking you a question. You've been acting weird so far, what's wrong with you?
What if lonely people meet lonely people? I think they'll start talking about their problems, they start sharing and giving suggestions to each other. And probanly start crying together and hugging together and even end up with a sad sex.
If a person wants to be lonely, it mostly because they want to. So, they don't need any suggestion or even any help from people around them.

Eminem said in his song called Beautiful "Everybody have their private world where they can be alone".
Sometimes it is good to be lonely, sometimes you're lonely because you need someone who can really understand you.
Whatever problems you're having right now, I hope those lonelyness don't go to a suicide, it's not a problem solver, it's represents how coward you are.
I love that Eminem song, beautiful, and you are beautiful.