The Entrepreneurial Journey

in #life7 years ago


After returning home from London, I knew I wanted to start my own business. I finally felt like I had the drive, motivation and confidence to pull it off.

Long story short, after moving to a new city 10 months ago, I began that entrepreneurial journey.

I started working towards going the route of building an email list and selling products to that list over time.

I spent a long time doing this without taking certain actions which were going contribute to my success. I was deliberately holding back and I had no idea why. To me I was scared, but there were a whole bunch of other things holding be back that I was unaware of...

I've had been taking solid action since March and by mid May, I had burned myself out.

I wasn't giving myself the balance I required in the areas of relationships and fun. This had been building up over time and all exploded on May 14th.

The next month was particularly though on me emotionally, but by mid June I was back to normal.

Motivated, confident and driven to succeed, only to wind up in the same position almost one month later.

I was speaking to a mentor of mine who said "there's a reason only 10% of the world's population start a business and a further 1% of those succeed.. It's damn hard to make it."

The odds really are stacked against you, and even though that is something we all know, you don't realise the extent of it until you experience it yourself.

You'll feel defeated at times, you'll experience a lot of doubt, you'll feel isolated amongst other things, but perseverance is key. It's that tenacious attitude that gets anyone anywhere.

I still have a long way to go to achieve the success I am chasing, but I WILL get there eventually.

If you're on a journey of any kind and things are tough, think about the reason you started in the first place.

You didn't come this far, to only make it this far.

I believe in you.

Take care



We must persist in our dreams no matter what! Keep going! You are going to make it. Great Post!

Thanks mate :)

Your very welcome! Have a great weekend!

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