The Sun In The Firmament 10.5.2021

in #life3 years ago


I took this picture yesterday. It kind of looks smokey in that picture. Well, there are still fires in California going. I got an email from someone in a nearby town asking me if it was smokey where I live also.

Well, I can tell that the sky is not very clear. The sun is being a bit dimmed out. When you already have the metal trails sprayed into the sky to dim the sun and add that to the fires that California needs to get the emergency money, then you really have a dimming of the sun.

When there is a need for fires for the money, than there is a need for people that do arson. It is hard to think that people will do arson, but just think that there are people that are paid to cheat on the recall of Newsom. So then people can be hired to do arson also.

I have heard of people that went to the polling places and they were told that they already voted. So what is up with that? A lady that worked for the election place said, that about 70 percent of the people that came in was told that they already voted.

Yet, if they really already voted, why would they show up to the election to vote again? Well, because people were paid to vote for them before they even went to vote. That is called cheating.

The people in California really wanted to get rid of Newsom as governor cause he is corrupt, he even worked with China. I even seen an article that mentions that he ordered a lot of face masks from China, but really that was a cover, to order fully automatic weapons. These weapons were to be given to people like antifa and BLM.

The system is corrupt. Unless we fix the 2020 election with Trump, for I don't even think Biden could even fill my old high school gym, where Trump can fill giant stadiums with little or no advertising, just word of mouth and social media.

If we can do a forensic audit in all 50 states to see how these deep state people cheat on elections, then we can have fair elections where people do not cheat, and there must be punishments that match the crime so people will not want to cheat and also have laws where it will be harder to cheat also, then maybe we can have some fair elections.

So the sun is in the firmament where God had put it in the firmament for us, to move within its different portals as mentioned in the book of Enoch.

As the sun moves in its current portal, we see the sky is not as clear as it can be, as there are fires in California when I did take that picture.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: the stars also. Genesis 1:16.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.


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