Some Days Ago I Took This Picture Of Seagulls 11.10.2021

in #life3 years ago


Sometimes during the rains do I see seagulls. Now I live in the central valley area of California, which is far away from the sea, but they do show up in my city sometimes, usually in the fall/winter seasons.

These birds are sitting or standing on the building of one of my favorite stores called, Curry's. Curry's is a discount food store. Discount cause the dates on these food items are close to date or past date.

Well, with a store like that, you can fight inflation. Inflation is really hitting hard, but if there is a way to get food at a cheaper price, then I will take it.

They sometimes have frozen beef brisket at half the marked price. Well, if it is frozen then that is good as then the date doesn't matter too much to me. I try to fill the freezer with meat like that.

Brisket is supposed to be a tough piece of beef, but I just boil the meat for about 3 hours or so and the meat is very tender when cooked a low temperature for hours at a time.

I might just eat half of that meat that I slow cooked on one day and then for the next day I would cut the other have into smaller pieces and then with the same water used to boil the meat, I will add more water and add in a cup of dried split pea and 2 cups of lintels with a handful of wakame seaweed and a bunch of black pepper and cook that for an extra hour more.

I call it, beef with pulse and seaweed. Eating pulse, isn't that biblical? As it is written, Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. Daniel 1:12.

Well, one good thing about eating pulse is that, it has lots of fiber. Good for making one have regular bowel movements.

So these seagulls flew into my central valley, maybe it was just too stormy at the coastal areas of the state.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Genesis 1:20.

Source 1

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.


very beautiful pictures, the location is also very natural. your post is amazing. @david777111

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