So Bitcoin Broke Through $40,000 Today 1.8.2021

in #life4 years ago (edited)

Well, this day Bitcoin went past $41,000 and as I write it is $38,948. Up and down, but the trend does look upward. I am no expert at bitcoin, but I am noticing.

I remember after its high of over $19,650 back in December 15, 2017 it started going downward. Are the institutions buying now? Well, maybe. Maybe it is that the dollar is losing too much of its buying power.

Gold, silver and Bitcoin might be a way to preserve one's money. With all the printing and everybody getting $600 and the government giving money too different countries so the deep state politicians can get their kickbacks, is really watering down our dollar.

I thought that people who bought Bitcoin at the top of 2017 lost money, well, if they kept it, then they made over a hundred percent profit.

And I remember when after the highs of 2017 it went as low as $3500. People that bought then could sell for more than 10 times their cost now.

Then there are those like me that didn't buy at that price. Oh well, that is how it goes. Missed chances, but when will it end? Some think that Bitcoin will go to a million. Well, of course that is possible.

I was at the Winco store and I seen that you could buy Bitcoin with your US coins. I guess they are making it easier and easier to buy Bitcoin.

I even seen that you could buy gold and silver with Bitcoin. I wonder if anyone ever bought a house with Bitcoin.

I know years ago someone bought a pizza with Bitcoin. I would imagine that he had a lot of bitcoin in those days. I hope he kept some for such a time as this day.

Well, Bitcoin has gone up a lot, I wonder if it will continue on this upward motion. I'm pretty sure it will.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Matthew 25:27.

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Thank you, David.


Miss chances for me, have not believe it way 2017 and now, wow!

Yes, missed chances, but I still think that it has away to go. Maybe just buy some here and there and don't sell at all until a long time has past, like 10, 20 or 30 years from now. Thank you @amayphin!

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