Training plan for beginners - men

in #life9 years ago (edited)

 The purpose of the plan: the weight

Objectives of the plan:

1. Adaptation of the organism to physical stress
2. The increase in volume and muscle strength
3. The creation of the Foundation for further increase of the loads

Difficulty easy

This sample plan is designed for beginners, average or slim build and working out in the gym 3 times a week. As in every hall set of equipment is different, most exercise is free weights. The main tasks of this plan is training the major muscle groups and gain muscle mass. Exercises are selected based on simplicity and globality impact on the muscles. And difficulties with the implementation of most of them should not arise. 


                                                                 The first training session

Crunches on incline bench 3x10-15

A description of the exercise
The curl on incline bench, this basic exercises for abdominal. It allows you to make many variations, different in its impact and severity. This exercise is suitable for the beginning of any workout (as a warm-up), and for its end.
The main chips
1. The higher the incline the bench, the harder it is to do this exercise (ceteris paribus).
2. Your task as to curl sgorbati back), to make press. If you're lifting with a straight back, it will not work your abs and iliac-lumbar muscles.
3. As you can completely sit down on the bench (stretching in this case the press) and not fall through. In the second case, the amplitude will be less. However, the press will start beating faster and stronger.
4. As burdening you can use the disc from the rod. It is possible to put as on his chest (the easier option) and a head (the more difficult option).
5. If you want the ilio-psoas muscle was off from work and only worked the press, never lift your lower back off the bench. But only twist the back in the thoracic spine. Although I don't see anything wrong in the extraneous muscles in this exercise.
6. If you still difficult to do this exercise, cross your arms on your chest. Or grasp hands for the edges of the bench. It's easier. 



Hyperextension (slopes through the goat) 3x10-15

A description of the exercise
Useful, simple and indispensable exercise! Well load muscles of the lower back and buttocks and this is no axial load on the spine. If the upper phase is slightly to hunch and round your back, you can force the glutes to do most of the load.
If you have a hernia, protrusion or degenerative disc disease of the intervertebral discs is an exercise to do in the first place.
The main chips
1. As a complication, you can take the disc from the rod, and the rod. In the case of the disk it can be held behind the head and front of chest. I like the version with the head.
2. Hyperextension can be done at home. For this approach a fairly high bed or sofa. However, still need a partner to hold your feet and keep you from tipping over.
3. Version of the bends with a rounded back is not suggest for beginners. First learn the classical technique hyperextension.
4. This exercise is excellent trains the lumbar part of the back and pumping deep muscles surrounding the spine. However, it does not provide any load on the vertebrae. So it is advised to perform bending at each training session, anyone with a sore lower back and there is such disease as osteochondrosis, disc herniation and protrusion.
5. Now in the halls of widespread oblique hyperextension. However, it is more lightweight and less effective than the horizontal version. 


Squats with bar on shoulders 4-5x8-12

A description of the exercise
The role of this exercise is difficult to overestimate. It is the base for the development of the entire lower body. If you want to use some changes of the buttocks, to squat have a little lower than shown in the picture.
The main chips
1. Width foot placement directly affects the load distribution. Feet – more load on the front part of the thigh. Wider feet (and therefore knees) – part of the load is shifted to the inner thighs.
2. If at the bottom you did not get to tear the heel from the floor, then place them under the heel stand to a height of about 2 cm. the easiest option – small pancakes, or a piece of rubber. But this must be done only if necessary.
3. The lower you sit down, the stronger will earn buttocks. I personally support the idea that at the lowest point hip fell a little below the knee. That is, it is advisable to squat below parallel.
4. During the squat the knees should be looking to the same place and socks. And many beginners, they (the tribes) fall down inside. And socks should be slightly turned to the side. About 1/3.
5. If you are not doing powerlifting, I see no reason to put the rod in litterski. That is not on the shoulders and below. Now the fashion of many coaches to teach beginners wearing this Elevator operator's squats. I believe that this technique justified only in powerlifting. But if the person doesn't want them to do, then you need to learn classical technique.

The bench press is a classic 4-5x8-12

A description of the exercise
Basic exercise for training the chest. There are tons of variations on this exercise. The picture shows the "chest press. That is, the athlete runs one breast. When "wearing this Elevator operator" the bench whose main job is to squeeze the maximum weight the athlete engages more muscles.
I do not recommend "chest" bench press Amateurs. As this option is not designed for heavy weight and low reps. Well, what man does not like to shake a higher weight on 1 - 2 times! "Chest" bench press to perform better with small and medium weights at least 6 - 8 reps. He sort of chest muscles, tendons and ligaments of the shoulder joint, and heavy weights sooner or later will lead to injury of the shoulder or chest.
But "powerlifting" bench is precisely designed for the weight limit and under other equal conditions, is less traumatic. But fewer involve the chest muscles. Less does not mean that they do not work with this technology.
The main chips
1. To get used to the "deflection" in the bench press, you first time put himself under the waist soft cushion. It will train you to bend your back.
2. When you lie down on the bench then do it so that the eye was classified. If you go too deep, the neck can hook rack when you bench press. If too far, it will be uncomfortable to put and remove the neck.
3. When you put the stamp on the rack before you remove the hands, make sure that the rod rests firmly on the racks. I have 2 times seen as an athlete put the neck on the edge, he removed his hands, the rod fell from the racks and fell on his face. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, I tell you.
4. Use a wrist bandages when working with a weight 70% of max and above. Even if you have a strong brush. Over time, constant stress can lead to wrist pain.
5. The belt in the bench press absolutely does not protect from back injuries. It's just a fetish or a fad.
6. Never click, if you are one in the hall. This has already all been said thousands of times. With the exception of those cases when you have a weight bench with a special safety racks .
7. Never throw a rod on his chest. You have full control of the process of the lowering of the projectile. Otherwise, the result will be poor performance exercises and injuries.


Pull the head from the top of the unit 3-4x10-15

A description of the exercise
The thrust is performed wide grip. But do not overdo it. At the bottom, your forearms should be either parallel to each other, either slightly apart. try not to hunch and at the bottom it is desirable to go a little forward. To keep your head straight.
The main chips
1. If you have poor mobility in the shoulder joints, and you can't do this exercise, not gorbas, it is better to discard it. Otherwise will be of little avail.
2. During downward motion lightly apply body forward and bring the shoulder blades together. This will help to concentrate on work back.
3. The width of the grip should not be too broad. This greatly reduces range of motion and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. The optimal width such that at the bottom of the forearm was parallel to each other. And this is about the width of 1.5 of the width of the shoulders.
4. Pull to the middle of the back of his head. You can primatyvajutsja straps to the handle. This removes pressure off the forearms and allow you to better focus on the work wide.
5. Top hands unbend to the end. That is, give your muscles to stretch under the weight of the cargo.
6. The head to keep straight and look forward. I repeat that if you are going to slouch, then it is better not to do this exercise. 


Pullover with dumbbells lying 3x10-15

A description of the exercise
In some editions it is written that this exercise for chest muscles. No doubt, the chest here works too, but this way you will not get. Hands it is advisable to keep less bent than in the picture. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on how low you lower the elbows, not the dumbbell. Exercise is not basic, so it's best to do at the end of the workout and the weight with which you can make at least 10 times. And no sudden movements! You can also perform with a barbell or disc. But you can with two dumbbells (for a dumbbell in each hand).
The main chips
1. Despite the fact that many do it across the bench, I personally do not see any pluses. Only inconvenience. So I suggest lie flat on the bench (along), and not to invent unnecessary complications.
2. Hands during the entire movement should be slightly bent. If you much bend your arms at the bottom, then turn pullover in a French press.
3. Remember, this exercise works the chest, back and triceps. And even a little shoulders. So anything specific you this exercise will not get. But it is perfect at the end of the workout for General stretching of the shoulder girdle. In addition, in childhood and adolescence makes the pullover to expand your chest. So if you are under 18 – 19 years of age, you are required to do this exercise 1 – 2 times a week.
4. Beginners can instead of a dumbbell to take the disc from the rod. Also quite convenient.
5. It is desirable to lower the elbows as low as possible. It is not the dumbbell and the elbows. But not to pain in the shoulders. A raise it is advisable to almost belly. So, how would you describe a semicircle. 


Flexion and extension of the brushes seated 3x10-15 

A description of the exercise
You can put your hands on the bench. Can their knees. Whatever you like. In any case, the elbows stand tear is not necessary. Don't chase the scales. This exercise is done at least 10 times. It is especially useful exercise for beginners. As the muscles of the forearm they tend to lag behind.
The main chips
1. Grip at shoulder width or slightly narrower. In General, the forearm should be parallel to each other.
2. You can also do with dumbbells. But I think with dumbbells is less effective. As the brush begins to move not only up and down but also sideways. And it reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
3. Putting hands on the bench or on the hips – you decide. No fundamental differences. I personally put on hips.
4. Try to stay a bit longer at the top.
5. Elbows during the whole exercise still. That is, keep them on support.
6. In this exercise, the weight, as a rule, two times less than the bending brushes. For beginners it is usually the neck 10 kg. 


                                                                The second workout

The leg lifts focus 3x10-15


A description of the exercise
To make the task easier, try almost not to bend your knees. If you still have to tighten up the pelvis, the rectus abdominis will work harder.
The main chips
1. No need to raise the fully extended leg. Then press off from work, and operates mainly in the iliac-psoas muscle.
2. The legs should be slightly bent and the pelvis at the end of the motion to curl up. That's when the work actively involved the press.
3. In General, the more bent the legs, the easier it is. You can simply pull your knees to your chest, not forgetting to tighten up the pelvis.
4. It happens that some beginners (especially those who have a lot of excess weight) can't do this exercise, as it will slide down. That is, their shoulders can not withstand the weight of their own body. Until then, download press other exercises. And this exercise will be back in a few months when you're settled.
5. As weights to clamp a dumbbell between the feet, or put on foot drive from the rod. In this case, you will not only be harder to do the exercise, but you'll have to do it slower, so that was off the disc or dumbbell.
6. You can not lower the legs all the way down to keep the press in suspense. 


Push-UPS from bars 4-5x8-15


A description of the exercise
If you do push-UPS wide grip, you will work more chest. But I do not advise. As a basic exercise for the chest it's still not good, and injury so earn is very easy. So the narrower grip and elbows to himself. Download triceps!
And no sudden movements. Exercise sort of shoulder cords, so fraught with potential danger. Beware
The main chips
1. Down preferably to the point where the shoulder level with the elbow, or below.
2. If you find it hard to do push-UPS normally at least 6 repetitions, then have someone pushing you legs. So you quickly learn to push-UPS on the uneven bars.
3. If you already do push-UPS with additional weight, then the first approach is do it anyway without the weight. As a warm-up. Remember that this exercise is very easy to injure the shoulder if it is not a good stretch.
4. To better work the triceps, the boards must be narrower and the elbows should be back. To better work the chest, the bars must be wider, and the elbows need to breed in hand. However, the wider the bars and elbows, the greater the load to lie on the tendons surrounding the shoulder.
5. Push-UPS on the bars, I think the basic exercise for the triceps. Therefore, if you want to train your triceps, then put this exercise at the beginning of the workout, not the end.
6. If I do pushups with the weights, the weight take be to able to do push-UPS at least 5 – 6 reps. It is not necessary to try their hand at 1 or 2 repetitions with maximum weight. Too much loaded bundles of the shoulders. And the weight 


Thrust from the upper block narrow grip 3-4x10-15

A description of the exercise
This exercise is very good stretches wide and are proficient in their working. In the bottom cave in, meeting the handle of a chest in the upper - to submit a little forward. This will enhance the effect from this exercise.
The main chips
1. This kind of traction, first, is quite convenient, and it can make people with any degree of mobility in the joints. And secondly, it is better than working on the Central part of the back. Including not only the broadest muscle, round, infraspinatus and supraspinatus.
2. At the bottom you need to bend your back, shoulder blades and feeding the chest up. Would like to meet a pen chest. And at the top it is advisable to make the body forward, to better stretch the muscles.
3. If you are not able to catch up, then this exercise will help you to quickly learn. Because it mimics the pull-UPS. Weight need to take so that you could do at least 8 reps.
4. Alternatively, you can do deadlifts wide parallel grip. This requires a special pen. Under this option, the load will be more distributed on the outer beams of the widest muscles.
5. Try not to place your elbows to the sides, and press them close to the body. This will increase the efficiency of the exercise. 


French press with dumbbells, standing 3x10-15


A description of the exercise
Unlike similar French press with one hand more convenient. Easier to follow the elbows. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with this exercise. At the top the elbows straighten to finish.
The main chips
1. It is possible to do not only with dumbbells, but with the disc from the rod. For beginners probably it is more convenient with the disc.
2. Lower and straighten your arms, preferably before the end. This will increase range of motion and efficiency exercises.
3. The elbows should be locked in a fixed position. They should not disperse to the sides and walk back and forth. Hang out the more elbows, the more additional muscle, and decreases the load from the triceps.
4. Lower the dumbbell down gently so as not to stab yourself in the neck. And for the elbows it is quite dangerous.
5. Take a weight that I could do at least 8 – 10 repetitions. This exercise is not basic, so the weights here do not need to chase.
6. Alternatively, you can do this exercise sitting on a bench with the backrest 60 – 70 degrees. It's stronger than stretch your triceps. 


Bending hands with a barbell standing 3-4x10-15

A description of the exercise
This is a classic exercise for biceps. Remember: 1. Do not lift the barbell all the way up. A little bringing it to its chest. 2. The elbows when lifting, it is best just to get ahead. This will make the biceps stronger to decline. 3. Lower the barbell at least not faster than you raised it. The curved neck gives more stress on the inner head of the bicep.
The main chips
1. Width of grip is important. Grip at shoulder width or slightly wider will work more of the inner head of the bicep. If the grip is already shoulder length, it will be more load on the outer head.
2. Straighten arms to the end. But the bend – not until the very end. The brush should be slightly ahead of the elbow. In this embodiment, the biceps will be most intense at the top.
3. Elbows it is advisable to hold in place and withdraw slightly forward when lifting weights. But only a little. In order to further reduce the biceps.
4. Try not to swing and not to help yourself with your back or legs. This can be done only last 1 – 2 recurrence. The back should be straight and the shoulders pulled back.
5. Put a weight that I could do at least 8 repetitions.
6. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think bending hands with a barbell the basic exercise. Basic exercise for the biceps is lifting. So, if you want bigger and stronger biceps, then you have to include in your training pull-UPS.


Push-UPS wide grip 3-4x10-15

A description of the exercise
A great and simple exercise. If you put feet on a small stand - will be harder. And if hands to put on the stand, so you can go down below - will be even tougher. But if you have disks on the back to put... )
In General, if you can completely wrung out from a floor at least 15 times - utjecaja his assignment given above. With additional weights this exercise is quite able to develop the strength and mass of your pectoral muscles.
The main chips
1. Legs and back should form a straight line during the entire exercise. Then there is no need to lift up the pelvis, or lower it rotting back. So do push-UPS easier, but you will not wring the whole body, as it were.
2. To increase the speed of the muscles (especially important for those engaged in martial arts), you can do push-UPS with claps. The easiest option is clapping in front of him. More complicated – clapping behind his head. And the most difficult – claps behind the back.
3. If you put your hands on the stand, you can fall below. And the lower you descend, the more stretched the chest or triceps (depending on what focus). Hence the effectiveness of the exercise will be higher. As supports can be special stops for push UPS, terminals, disks, weights. In principle, anything.
4. Those who want to reap lying, I recommend push-UPS if hands to put, as in the bench press. That is, the technique of push-UPS should copy the technique of the bench press.
5. With the broad statement of the hands and elbows of breeding as much as possible in hand, his chest working the most. However, the load on the shoulder joints maximum. So, be careful with this technique. 


Rise on socks standing in the simulator 3x15-20 

A description of the exercise
Knees straight. Bend and straighten only the ankle joint. To the bottom, then all the way up. At the top pause. The exercise you are doing with average pace. Twitch is not necessary.
The main chips
1. At large scales the load on the spine is quite significant. So you need to ensure that the back was straight. And not superfluous the use of a weightlifting belt.
2. The weight should be such that you could do at least 10 full repetitions. But remember that Shin likes high reps. Since the calf muscle is quite hard to get to grow. So try to do 20 – 25 reps per set.
3. Rise on the toes as high as possible is necessary. Making a small pause at the top.
4. The gastrocnemius muscle consists of 2 heads (inner and outer). So, to shift the load more on the inner head, socks need to deploy to the sides at 45 degrees. And on the outside of the head to put the foot parallel or slightly expand the socks inside.
5. This exercise can also be performed on one leg. But this option is more suitable for experienced athletes. As it is much more difficult. 


                                                    The third practice

Hyperextension 3x10-15

A description of the exercise
Useful, simple and indispensable exercise! Well load muscles of the lower back and buttocks and this is no axial load on the spine. If the upper phase is slightly to hunch and round your back, you can force the glutes to do most of the load.
If you have a hernia, protrusion or degenerative disc disease of the intervertebral discs is an exercise to do in the first place.
The main chips
1. As a complication, you can take the disc from the rod, and the rod. In the case of the disk it can be held behind the head and front of chest. I like the version with the head.
2. Hyperextension can be done at home. For this approach a fairly high bed or sofa. However, still need a partner to hold your feet and keep you from tipping over.
3. Version of the bends with a rounded back is not suggest for beginners. First learn the classical technique hyperextension.
4. This exercise is excellent trains the lumbar part of the back and pumping deep muscles surrounding the spine. However, it does not provide any load on the vertebrae. So it is advised to perform bending at each training session, anyone with a sore lower back and there is such disease as osteochondrosis, disc herniation and protrusion.
5. Now in the halls of widespread oblique hyperextension. However, it is more lightweight and less effective than the horizontal version. 


Twisting on the treadmill 3x10-15

A description of the exercise
This trainer allows you to simultaneously load and press, and iliac psoas muscle.
The main chips
1. This exercise is similar to crunches lying on the floor with legs at the top. Like any simulator, it does have one big plus. This ability to vary the weight of the weights. The simulators come with bolsters and straps. Seated and supine. But the principle of motion is the same.
2. At the top (if design allows) it is desirable to bend the back and stretch further, thereby, the press.
3. You should try not to just lean across the back, and it can warp. After all, the press is responsible for not tilting, and twisting of the torso.
4. Pick a weight such that can make at least 10 quality repetitions.
5. To enhance the effect at the bottom can stay there for a moment. And straightened it not to end 


Pull a deadlift with a barbell 4-5x6-10

A description of the exercise
In this exercise, you lift the biggest weight. So please be careful. In any case should not pull the bar off the floor. A negative and positive phase should take place without any sudden movements. At the top of the shoulders it is advisable to take ago.
The main chips
1. The feet must be put under the bar so that 1/3 of the length of the foot was for the neck (if you look strictly at the top). You have to understand that when you lift the barbell from the platform, your center of gravity and the center of gravity of the rod will connect. And if the stamp is for feet, you just dragged forward.
2. Lowering or raising the pelvis while taking a starting position, we adjust the load distribution between the legs and back. Above the basin is more of a strain on the back and less on legs. Below the pelvis the opposite.
3. The weight should be such that you could take it up with a fully straight back. Once you can no longer keep your back straight – out weight. Meanwhile, many newcomers to spit on this nuance, and is constantly pulled with a crooked back. Sooner or later this will result in problems with the spine.
4. If you have problems with your back, or just back pain before to include in their training the deadlift, I suggest 2 months to do hyperextension 2 times a week. And then you can do a deadlift. But there are always do 3 sets hyperextension.
5. I don't recommend using raznocvet in training. Leave this grip for competition. And training straps. The fact that raznocvet, it is the violation of the symmetry of the arms and shoulders. And this is undesirable in any exercise.
6. Feet stay shoulder width of the pelvis. A grip at shoulder width or slightly wider. That is, the grip you should be a little wider than the hips, if your shoulders wider than your pelvis).


Lunges with dumbbells 3-4x8-12

A description of the exercise
Great exercise for the glutes. The leg is better not to put, and leave in position apart. That is, not have to walk. It's a waste of energy. Works buttock iterested feet. If you want strong or beautiful buttocks you must do this exercise. But don't suggest to implement it for people with troubled knees.
The main chips
1. To weight the exercise and add to his effectiveness, put your front foot on a slight elevation (10 – 20 cm). So you can go down below and harder to stretch the buttocks.
2. Variant with dumbbells great for home use and for those who have back problems. As the load on the spine is less than with a barbell. Yes, and balance is easier to hold. But with a barbell you can do more weight.
3. For better balance, place your feet on one line and separate them slightly to the side.
4. The back leg should be all the time wear. This is done in order to make the most of the body to move to the front (working) leg.
5. Need to stoop as low as possible. And straighten the legs fully need. May also be small slope of the hull at the bottom of the movement. This can further stretch the buttocks.
6. Do not need to submit a knee sock on the foot. The best option is flush with the sock.
7. If you still difficult to do this exercise, you can use a lightweight version. Take a dumbbell in one hand. And with your free hand hold on to the pole, helping himself as needed. 


A press of a bar standing with his chest 4x8-12

A description of the exercise
You can perform the same standing and sitting with support. Is the main exercise for muscle development of the shoulders. Strongly bend is not worth it. Can cause back injury. Unlike the bench press because of the head front Delta is working harder.
Sitting still easier to do with dumbbells, as for shops you can't serve the head back to the beginning of the squeezing of the rod.
The main chips
1. The bench press bar with the chest is the main exercise for developing shoulder girdle. I think it's best this exercise is to do it standing. However, if you have back problems, then you need to do browsing with support on the bench.
2. When performing standing ensure that the pelvis was always a little protruding. That is, go a little over the heel. This will allow you to eliminate unwanted deflection in the lower back. If strongly to bend and submit a basin forward, you can easily injure the lumbar spine.
3. Rod you need to press on this path to the top the vulture was overhead, or slightly behind. But not the front.
4. When lowering, it is desirable to touch the neck upper chest. At the bottom of the pause is not needed. As soon as he touched his chest – just click.
5. Elbows should be slightly withdrawn forward (at the bottom) so as to be slightly ahead of the fingerboard. That is, the forearm should be sent to the motion vector of the projectile.
6. Harvesting should be possible in a straight path. And not to outline the head, just apply it a little bit ago. 


Broach with standing barbell 3x10-15

A description of the exercise
Personally, I don't like the figure above. First, it is better to take a narrow (10 - 15 cm). Secondly, the effect of exercise depends on how high you lift your elbows, not the actual post. It is enough to raise to the level of the clavicles. Follow the elbows. Some of this exercise can cause pain in the shoulders. In this case, it is better to abandon it
The main chips
1. Feeding the post is also called the thrust rod to the chin. Please do not be confused with weightlifting broach. Where it is jerk or shock.
2. The rod need to pull as close as possible to the torso. That is, in a straight path, and not along the arc.
3. There is much debate about the width of the grip. I personally prefer a narrow grip. He has more range of motion. A trapezoid at the top of the trajectory work there.
4. The important thing is not to raise the barbell as high as possible, and elbows. The higher the elbows against the fretboard, the better the Delta front.
5. The weight should be such that you could do at least 8 reps. The last repetition to help his back and legs. But don't get carried away with cheating. Your task is to load it shoulders, not the whole body.
6. My personal experience and my observations have shown me that stretching is not a very effective exercise. So, in my coaching practice I use it quite rarely.


Mahi dumbbells in hand 3x10-15 

A description of the exercise
The classic exercise for pumping medium deltas. Higher weight here to do. Elbows slightly bent and "looking" back and slightly up. At the top you can pause. Once you've mastered the technique, you can take more weight and do more "dirty". This will help to make your shoulders wider.
The main chips
1. Dumbbell better not be omitted on the sides of the torso, and a display in front of him. So stronger you will be able to stretch the shoulders.
2. Large weight you can do with cheating. That is to help yourself with your legs and back. But it is justified with only those weights that are already clean you can do. By cheating you'll be able to take heavier dumbbells and make your shoulders stronger.
3. Arms should bend slightly at the elbows. However, don't do it too much. This will reduce the amplitude of motion and the efficiency of the exercise.
4. Be careful to do swings clear to the side. That is, can not stand the hands forward. So it is easier to do, but it transfers the load from the middle Delta front.
5. Do not lower elbows. They should look back, not down. At the top the elbows should be level with the brushes.
6. Need to raise the dumbbells to shoulder level or slightly above. But not much higher. Otherwise the work will turn on the trapeze.
7. Not horbites. During movement the back should be straight, and shoulders back.


 Repetition is desirable to vary from workout to workout. The weight should be average. Then you can slowly decrease the reps and increase the weight. And also to increase approaches. The training duration from 1.00 - 1.30. A maximum of 2 hours! If you can train more, then you are a cheat!

The average length of this program on bodybuilding for beginners - 2 months. Then you need to change some of the exercises. As the muscles gradually get used to the same movement, and the effectiveness of training is reduced. If you do not have time to recover between workouts, do 2 times a week. Thus, the distance between the same exercises will be

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