It has been a day....
Let's start off with this: I went to bed at 8pm last night, 8pm!!!! That is far off from my usual 1-3am bedtime.... But Strep will do that to you I guess.
This morning was not any better, waking up with a coating of green..... In my mouth. Gahhh, I brushed my teeth at least 4 times last night and this morning.
But onto today, put together more of the dining room chairs (thought of silver), took the oldest girl to an appointment (thought of silver), went grocery shopping (caught a bird in the store, no time for silver), then the best thing/worst....
I shipped @undeRGRound his raffle winnings, good because he won, bad because less silver in my safe. Might just be time to hit up my LCS soon 😁
Well I'm going to take some meds and doze off.... Forgot.... My meds? Cherry Coke and Apple Crown