Paragliders At The Top Of Pedra da Gávea
Hi I'm Danny! I'm travelling around the world! Follow my posts.

If the typical tourist landmarks are not for you, and you want to get off the beaten track then here are a couple tips that you wont find in normal tourist guides. Today: Pedra da Gávea.
Although Pedra da Gávea is not as high as Pico da Tijuca, this summit is probably more famous as it can be seen from most places in the city, including Ipanema beach.
This hike is much more challenging than the one I wrote about yesterday. Towards the top it gets a little bit more technical. Although you don't need ropes, you do need to be very careful.
The bottom section of the trek is in the rain forest but half way up you suddenly come out through an opening. It was slightly disorientating because the whole mountain was now shrouded in cloud cover.
We saw loads of paragliders circling around in the thermals above the mountain. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of red go past me like a bullet. At first I thought it was a bird but then realised it was a human that had base jumped in a wingsuit!
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Really amazing photography. Inspiring stuff. Enjoying trawling through all of your material too. I posted my first ever Steem blog today. My series will soon start too if you enjoy reading about the travels of others! :)
Thanks for your comment and welcome to Steemit. I just gave your first post a vote and look forward to reading more. Good luck!
That’s quite awesome.
Are you a professional photographer?
No I'm not.. I just travel a lot, and take a lot of photos :)
well maybe you should think about becoming one ;)
nice job!
Awesome travel post. Followed you to read more such great posts related to travel from you. :)
Wow..the pictures are fantastic and breathtaking ;it must be quite a great experience going up there, I get the chills just looking down-but the city looks amazing from there :) So did u para-glide too?
One of the best hikes I've ever done - thanks for reminding me once again :D
just stumbled over your blog. awesome!! will follow you for more of your adventures!! great pictures by the way!
Wish i have thebsame opportunity. Great post
Nope, that’s too high for me. HAHAHA. I bet the view is really breathtaking in person!
I would love to go paragliding there!!! cheers @dannytravels