Three Brains and 2 thirds of the willpower instinct ( nearly 6 things )

in #life7 years ago

Your three brains, physical threats, sophistry and misinformation 

You have three brains: 

The first is the most idiotic of the bunch but thankfully it deals with the grunt work that keeps your body running. That is also why you barely hear it speak to you, and I envision it being a guy, he has a scar over his right eye and he is badass. Like those anti-heros that tell people to do things they believe they cannot do, much like Vin Diesel when he was Riddick in pitch black, but this time he is a reptilian.

The second is  a bit smarter, and instead of running on pure instinct it has to deal with emotions. This is where they say we have an ape's brain. Here comes in all the things that irritate you in life, all those social slights and all the other things that make us human - except your sexdrive, the riddick controls that - I actually do not envision this brain as anybody, i envision it as the hive mind, or the tribe. This is because it deals with society and the implications of social relationships. It is the pack, or the troop, the school, the tribe, the class, the family. 

The third is the smartest, which is the most human out of the lot. This is what allows you to use abstract thought. Now you might think smart is a good thing, but I am sorry bro. Smart = the capacity for deception and here is where what you believe - in other words what you trust to be true - has the run of the shop. If you trust the wrong shit you are going to see a different picture when compared to everyone else. Many people will use this argument as the basis for the relativity of truth, and that is a very convincing argument. 

Although you must fight it, because we are now experts at deception. It begins at feeding you lies, and then it carries through to feeding you values which build up your emotional potential, and then there is the riddik trigger where something bangs you up and that badass decides to speak up and you just give the expert the reigns and he shows you how to use all the kung fu movies you have watched. 

Now I am going to stop with the theatrics, as this was supposed to illustrate that you have three "people" inside of you, three yous. Each one with very different motivations, and a different language as well. Unless you teach yourself to notice and come to understand the other two languages you are going to have a confusing battle ahead of you. So I am going to make things a little easier by telling you about the weight of your habits and your will power 

The weight of your habits

We all know at some level there are habitual things that we need to kick, there are some people that want to stop smoking pot and others that want to start eating healthier and exercise more. Some people just want to get off facebook, or stop reading their emails in the morning, some people want to limit that to once a week. I could make this an everlasting list, just to show you the long line of people that are struggling with this problem of trying to change things they do habitually. This is enough though, because I want to bust a myth quickly. 

Myth: I cannot change because I do not have enough willpower

Lies, so many lies, okay it is just one lie. But here me out, for the most part it is not that any of us do not have enough willpower, it is just that we squander it. Every decision you make costs willpower, and just like that time management jar if you do not get the big things in first they will never get in the jar. besides this, there is only one realistic way that I know to increase willpower and that is concentration training. It takes 90 days for you to achieve this and that is struggling through meditation - the next two mile stones being 6 months and one year. 

It is not realistic for anyone that lacks will power to rely on 'trying  meditation out' for 90 days, because if you do not do it right you will learn the fancy skill of sleeping while sitting up straight - that might be cool for those boring meetings people have to attend - The answer is economy of willpower. 

The basics of the economy of willpower

1 that time management jar analogy, that i just mentioned 

2  20%/80% There are certain things that if you do them you have conned yourself into having high willpower, these are your 20% of things that straighten up 80% of your bad behaviour 

3 Every decision costs willpower, so stop spending so much. 

My secret for you today 

This is something that you need to try out for yourself, because it is an amazing sensation, I have never had the feeling of power be so close to my fingertips as when I caught myself using this secret. It has to do with the process of change, and how you can shorten it. You may have heard it come out of the mouth of some personal development guru. The guys I learned this from did me the ultimate favour of condensing all of this information. So when I got these lectures it came without all the secret nonsense. That stuff stinks of an addictive fantasy. Here it is, how to use your willpower to help you build habits that will eventually rule your life - if you ever want freedom from those just rinse and repeat

First 10 days

I mentioned yesterday that your brain does not like change at all. You are an energy conserving machine and the routines that you follow have reached homeostasis. It takes an incredible amount of energy to rewire these programs, and just like the government you do not like maintenance in the mainframe. This makes the first ten days of change the most excruciating part of changing your habits, some ugly feelings will arise, and you will come to hate what you are doing and in extreme cases you may even experience some depression. This is where the illusion game is on point and you will produce 10 000 different things to keep yourself from changing. You see this is because the three people in the counsel are not in agreement as to what the next course of action is. 

It is in this time where you have to use one of your most powerful language strings "I must do x , .." adding some deadline pressure with a time, or date will spice things up. Your brains are playing dirty at this point, so you have my permission to do whatever you have to in order to bully yourself through the first ten days. Tell yourself the story that it is an all or nothing thing, and riddik will get ... well excited and he will help you kick ass

day 11 to day 20 Excuses and other justifications 

Okay by now you are feeling chuffed with yourself, but there is something you still have to face, by now the strategy has changed. Mostly because you have aligned the reptile and the human, the ape is getting worried that you may just win. So the bugger pulls out the soft persuasion skills, by now the desperation is slurping off of the bread like too much honey. Now you have to endure every dumb excuse the random excuse generator throws at you, and if you were in your right mind you would be thinking what a bunch of nonsense, which you are not of course and you will give into them - because at the time they were the most logical choice. Dumm Emotions

Here your power is "I will do x,.." some deadline pressure will help again, but by now the steam engine is going so everytime you beat up the distractions you gain more territory in the direction of victory. You could make yourself a celebratory cup of tea after every successful day in this leg. Coz you are the bomb

Towards 30 days and party time

Okay so from day 20 you have thrown enough bark at the monkey and it has relented, now your emotions and your instincts are on your side so what is next. Well in these next ten days you will be witnessing magic happen right before your eyes, you will feel your new habit start taking over the reigns and this will become stronger every single day you do this. this is where the momentum starts adding up to the first victory mile stone. Here is where the new behaviour is assimilated into your habitual repertoire

You should go out this night and have a blast, and save your savage evenings for this kind of thing. So you party it up every month. While that idea starts fading. Remember you are now dealing with the human brain, and since the lizard and the ape are listening, you have forgotten about the fox that orchestrated this whole thing. You are still a third away from the point of no return at 90 days. You will be faced by a combination of the things you have experienced in the first 30 days and they will pop up in varying degrees. 

But you have this framework at your disposal, and when resistance pops up convince yourself it is a must, and when the excuses arise convince yourself you will do that and that it is important. What is most important though is to track all of this, so that the fox has a schedule to look at so it cannot lie to you. 

Tone change

I changed the tone I write in this time, tell me if it is appealing or not please. Also tell me if you plan on using this, and when you are starting. 

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