One Meal a Day - Charity action
Hello steemians,
One Meal a Day is a steemit charity action to struggle against famine.
Everyone in need of food can comment here and received our help to no longer starve.
The poorest might not have access to internet, if you desire to help on the ground and actively provide meal, simply post what you are doing here.
We should all contribute for a better world and insure the poorer to get at least the vital minimum:
Please be trustworthy, if you comment for personal greed and you are not deeply in need for food or vital healthcare, you are taking money from steemians who really need it to stay alive and you should be ashamed.
Doing that you are responsible for this world to keep going wrong.
We can take our responsabilities and act for a better world now.
Steemians if you need help from us, if you don't have a meal a day, simply comments on my daily ONE MEAL A DAY post and hopefully you will get upvotes from steemit community!
As the poorest usually don't have internet connection, If you are willing to distribute meal to the person in need, also comments and get our help!
Wow, @damarth thanks for doing this one's again. I'm not the one in need of a meal a day but I run a foundation that do that - fatherfaith foundation.

Last Saturday we went to celebrate a friend's birthday at the FCT school for the blind in Abuja, Nigeria. Where we feed those children and also donated some materials them.
So, I'm doing this for the needy in my environment and for my foundation.
Thanks for the generosity. I've already taken up the one meal a day campaign and I'm going to drop a post on it tomorrow
Let's help each other to Jannah. Don't pull others down as you go up. Instead, reach out a hand and help those who are down when you are up. @Damarth I applaud your equal.
The greatest success we'll know is helping others succeed and grow.
this is awesome! Thanks for sharing your pic with us so we can see the results!
Hi,thank you for making this community a better one. Since its your mission to reach the unreached all over the world.

Emmanuel need your help,i have registered him in school already,but he needs more money for his sustainance.
Here is the picture prove.
Also their is this woman with arthritis complain in my area,she was told to use this drugs
For three months. I have bought the one that can last her a month,it remain two more months. I'm sure she would be happy if you can reach out to her.
Thanks in anticipation.
In my area, i have children who needs help with schooling. They hawk during the day and even i am sure that wouldn't amount to much. I would love to be an instrument whereby at least few of them can go to school with proofs to back it up when done.
At my place of work, i have an old man that comes. I give him little amount when he comes around and i know that can't feed him longer. He hasn't been around today and i promise to take his picture when he comes around again and get him a decent meal to show as proof aswell.
I am willing to be a channel for these people, i could use the help i could get. I am willing. I will always show proofs.
Good job... life is about give and take, fingers cant be equal, so its good we leave our good foot print in this world... giving to the needy is a good act
This is what we should live for; making life bearable for one another. I have massive respect for @damarth.
I am ok @damarth. I need help feeding some my students. I have students who cant afford breakfast. A meal cost 20 cents in USD here. The cheapest and the most decent. I try my best to feed one student a day. Idk how you can help. Tried inviting my students to join steemit but they dont have internet connection. I pledge to donate 100% of the earnings of this comment. Will make a post on the progress. My students will finish at the end of march I hate seeing them being late or quitting school cause they cant afford a meal.
Hi darmarth, I just got admitted into high school, and the feeding system is very poor, many students come to school without pocket money, and go hungry most of the time, since I came to campus, I have tried helping those I can and now I'm running out of food items myself.. your help would be highly appreciated.
Trying to feed the poor, I use to do this twice in a week, though I don't have much, but am trying my best with the little I have, and I know with your help, I can do more......i promise to give whatever I generate here to them......... thanks @damarth
I have got an upvote from your side last time for that school 'Aangan'. I have not yet withdraw so I didn't help yet. I'm waiting for the price when it will high so I can withdraw and send them.
I'm much obliged for that help. You are very kind to poor who needs food badly. God will bless you more and more. :)
You are doing a great job buddy, and yes we need people like @damarth who are the only source of help in this great community, GOD will reward all for your great efforts
Great opportunity here. In line with your quote the the poorest among us might not have access to the internet. I already mentioned that since I can provide my own meals, my desire is to use everything I gets from this one meal a day to provide meal, and basic medical care to those who really need it. Thanks @damarth for this dream of yours, I'll help you get it to where it should go.
So nice of you @damarth.... this will help alot of poor people
in my neighbourhood, there is a family in which there are 7 peoples and they have 1 source of income.. there monthly income is $100
I really want to help them but i am not that much able to help....
as your charity post you can help them through me..... God will give you the reward for this
I Hope you will help them
Thanks in advance @damarth
Please I really need to give some of the kids in street. I will be so happy, please they need it.
I would love to start off by thanking @damarth for this initiative,i heard of this, of how you sir @damarth, tries to be a great blessing to numerous amounts of people every single day that passes by. You are a true leader and not a boss. May God greatly bless you for trying to contribute help towards humanity. It is a great thing that you noticed the need for provision of at least, one-meal per day to ensure the survival of people in various nations of the world.
In my home nation of Nigeria, the case is a heart-shattering one. Where the system is failing to recognize the need to help and feed the great number of children and youths.
Children in nigeria can hardly get access to adequate meals, or good sound education. For the case of feeding, the parents of the children that are in charge of feeding them do not even have the money to do so.
I would love to share a short story about my neigbours whose story is a very sad one. Their father died when they were very young. The weight of caring for the family has been on the shoulders of their mother ever since,and she was a just a secondary school teacher. Now, anyone in nigeria will know how bad the teaching profession has become; a profession that once used to be the very pride of the nation has now turned into a profession of misery. She was a teacher of a government owned public school, where her salary was just #30,000naira. Their house rent was about #15,000naira and rising. Doing the math, you'd know that their standard of living was very terrible. She would always go to different homes and help them wash their bathrooms and toilets just for her to get enough money to feed her children. Most of the time, my mother would split our meals at home and give them 70% of the mea, just to help them.
The government school's job was so terrible that they,ll even owe her for close to 6months. The system here is terrible.
The bridge between the poor and the rich here is mind boggling. Like the woman in the story, most people can't feed nor attend schools.
The rich just keep getting richer, gathering all of the money meant for the betterment of the people, and putting it all in their pockets.
Our hope for a better tomorrow in this country-Nigeria; are the youths of this time, but the state of schools in nigeria is heart breaking, children like my neigbours don't even have food to eat so as to even have the energy to attend classes and build their futures.
I took a trip to the state of kaduna-here in nigeria to see their classrooms, and i cried. I went on my knees and prayed to God to provide a means for me to help better the lives of the people around me.
The chairs they had to seat on were all broken and dilapidated,and the school uniforms they were putting on were all torn.
After that day, i went to back home to think on how to help the students attending the government school in my area. They also have torn, ripped school uniforms. I have been reflecting and thinking hard on how i can use this platform - steemit; to provide the materials needed to make good school uniforms for the students, and get a list of the children who have just one parent caring for them. I am hoping that i could start off something here on steemit and be able to create enough awareness about this issue and try my very possible best to provide food for their families, so that they can have a better life.