One of The Best TED Talks of All Time: The Power Of Vulnerability by Brené Brown (The Year of Self Love: Day 10)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I don't know how many times I've watched this talk, lots, but every time I am blown away by Brené's incredibly raw, authentic and relatable debunking of something as complicated as the human ability and necessity to feel shame and vulnerability.

Her sentiment is one that many of us may know deep in our hearts but never really put into practise in our lives. Society's misguided conditionings on the subject getting in the way of our ability to see our own truth and the reality that our fear of vulnerability means that we are in fact going out of our way to avoid it. In order to feel a sense of true love and belonging we need to allow ourselves to be truly seen, we need to live like the wholehearted, understanding that vulnerability is a fundamental part of life and the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, creativity and connection.

Brené is a wizard with words with a profound insight into the human condition. Her other TED talk "Listening to shame" is equally brilliant and I would recommend you watch both and buy as many of her books as you can!

I'm just about to start Rising Strong having been utterly moved and inspired by her previous book Daring Greatly. I pulled up "The power of vulnerability" yesterday to show Em who had never heard of Brené Brown, a situation I immediately had to rectify and it's funny how things happen just the way they should. I've since watched both talks a few times each and am reminded of the vital lessons she taught me the first time I saw them, lessons that had somewhat faded in the last few months and lessons that reinforce my intentions for this year even more strongly than before. She's put me on the right path, or at least given me a push and stuck me bang smack in the middle of the one I was already on. I hope you get as much out of them as I have.


Daisy xx




wow , nice post. i always like your posts <3 keep sharing informative stuff <3
@sibtainali back

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