First 🎩 of the year... Catering! 🍴👩‍🍳 One of the routes I’m traveling whilst trying to find my Path! ⛰

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Some people are blessed with the gift of loving and excelling at one thing and thus having a very straight forward career and life path, I’m just not one of those people...

I’m still trying to figure out which direction to take my life. I’ve done so many different things and could persue any of them on one level or another so it comes down to what I should be doing instead of what I could be doing, which makes it rather complicated. I don’t want to settle for something just because I can do it and I’m determined to love my life which in turn means loving what I do for a living. To me that means it has to bring me joy and fulfillment, give me a sense of purpose and have a positive impact on the world, no matter how small. If I could magic up the perfect solution right now it would be this. Using an online platform to combine my different strengths and loves and share my stories and spirit with the world in an attempt to spread joy and brighten people’s lives. I’m aware that sounds incredibly corny and a few of you may have just finished rolling your eyes, but that’s the truth. I could combine my writing, poetry, art, music, acting and business sense along with my passion for health, wellness and desire to help others. And the best part? I don’t have to be in one place, I could work from anywhere which would allow me to add travel and culture to the mix. So that’s the dream, it’s just a question of how to make it a reality. So many people are doing it which makes it harder to make enough of an impact to really make it a career but at the same time it means it’s possible. Steemit has certainly made the dream a little more real and I’m hoping that the more time I invest here the more I can grow on this platform which will certainly help me spring board onto the others.

So while I’m busy making that dream a reality I do all my different things separately, which keeps life interesting but does tend to block a real flow from developing but needs must so there we go. Anyway, first on the agenda this year - catering!


We’re shooting with a big brand whose name I can’t mention right now as they’re trying to keep their presence under wraps. It’s only day 2 so I’ll spill the beans towards the end don’t worry.

My job is to manage the overall catering which involves breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks and all the drinks. It gets a little more complicated when clients want specific things and are incredibly environmentally friendly - as this one does and is. So I outsource the breakfast and lunch to a lovely lady with an industrial kitchen equipped to feed the eighty people we have on set every day and then my team and I manage the set up, layout, prettifying, making of snacks and stocking of cooler boxes. It’s pretty straight forward and it ticks or my OCD boxes as I get to organize and re organize to my hearts desire. As I said, we’re only on day two so I may be taking back the “it’s pretty straight forward” in the next few days, especially if this heat keeps up, but let’s hope not! In the meantime, here’s a few snaps of our set up.




I’m not allowed to take pictures of the set and technically I shouldn’t be taking any but I’ll keep sneakily snapping a few here and there.

I hope you’re all having a wonderful week and if you’re in Cape Town I hope you’re cool and hydrated - two things I haven’t been since I started this job!

Sending love and good vibes,

Daisy xx




i love that kind of job too

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