365 Days That Count - Day 102 - That's a wrap people!!!
This shoot has been a long one with very little sleep, quite a bit of drama on set and lots of children. But finally, it's over!!
I've really enjoyed it, yes there've been stressful moments and people who needed to pick up their game but I did my part and laughed more than I have in ages.
I made friends that I hope to keep and connections that will hopefully provide new opportunities in the future.
I had to learn some basic lighting, I got to grips with how the styling department works and I furthered my understanding of the production manager role which will help if I choose to make the leap from assistant to manager next season.
I was also calmer and less anxious about the whole thing. From the get go I felt more confident in my role than I have previously and this continued through the job.
We wrapped early which was surprising, off loaded at the hotel and went home to shower and change before our wrap dinner.
We met at a smart restaurant in town, looking like new people in our makeup and fancy clothes and enjoyed many a bottle of red wine and some delicious food before finally calling it a night.
I'm justifiably exhausted but happy!
Another job under my belt, a few new friends, some experience and a pay check in the mail - quite pleased with that thanks! :)
But now, I sleep!
Daisy xx
( @daisyd )