2018: The Year of Self Love! 💞 Days 6 - 9

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This year has started off well, in fact better than well. We're ten days in and I've already had the opportunity to feel all the feels, reflect, gain perspective, consider my intentions, be surrounded, be alone, go wild, go quiet, move and be still.

It hasn't been perfect but I think that's where the goodness has come from so far, the chance to reevaluate how I want to do things, what I want to do and why I want to do them. I've been gentle with myself which is something I'm both grateful for and proud of. It's a concept I've found hard in the past and one that I've often forgotten until it's too late and I've already beaten myself up. But the very first intention I set for this new year was self love and I think that as so often is the case, putting it out there to the universe has given me an extra support system in order to achieve it. I've remembered more and faster than I used to, I've been quicker to forgive myself and look for perspective and I've felt calmer and more at peace in general. I am a big believer in the importance and power of writing down your intentions and the proof has been in the pudding many times for me personally and so far, I am happy to say, this particular intention is being realised!

flowers in the garden.JPG

So now, back to the purpose of this post, making sure I do at least one thing a day that honours the importance of looking after, protecting & loving my spirit...

Day 6:

  • I woke up smiling
  • My cousins came over and we laughed and watched Bella swim while drinking Bloody Mary's
  • I made a healthy and delicious dinner

sarah and bella post swim.JPG

Day 7:

  • I had some quiet time alone at home watching wildlife documentaries
  • I napped for an hour and a half (I hardly ever nap and as one of my intentions for this year is to sleep more, I was very pleased with myself when I woke up!)
  • I accepted a spontanious invitation to go out and dance - one of my favourite things to do and one that makes me so very happy!

halley liv and i .jpg

Day 8:

  • EM CAME HOME!!!!! It's been a hell of a long month without her and my heart is so happy she's finally back! 💞
  • We napped together on the sofa (two naps in a row!!!)
  • I did a little stretch before bed.

ems home.jpg

Day 9: This was a particularly good day in the self love department!

  • I spent the morning writing down my intentions for the year in detail which made me feel amazing! (I'm going to do a post on this soon)
  • Em came over and we made a delicious lunch which we ate in the sunshine
  • We listened to music and lay in the garden
  • I did the post I'd been trying to but Em was distracting me from :)
  • We watched Brene Brown's original TED talk (I'm going to post it as you should all watch it too)
  • I led us in a joint release that felt so good I felt high afterwards!
  • We went to meet another friend for dinner and ended up dancing

lunch with em in pic.JPG

em and the dogs in the garden.JPG

So far so fabulous! I've had plenty of time to contemplate life and what I want to do with mine this year and although I'm far from having all the answers, I feel good and truly positive about the opportunities that lie ahead as well as the ones surrounding me as I type this here sentence!

Maybe it's the sunshine or the full feeling in my heart or the strangely pleasant and spacey hangover I've been left with from last night, but whatever the reason I feel grateful and peaceful and excited about life. Those feelings are all I could ever ask for, with them everything's okay! I'm loving this year so far and I'm proud to say I'm loving myself along the way!

Sending love to you too,

Daisy xx




@daisyd you have a lovely inviting garden, that alone can make me happy! I too have been very mindful of how I'm speaking to myself, my inner voice. I've realized how one particular phrase keeps popping up and I've finally become aware of it. Looks like you have had a lovely time over the last few days. Thanks for sharing x

Thank you @janique - I do love my garden, I'm sitting in it as I type this trying to squeeze the last bit of battery from my laptop before i have to go inside and charge it :) Mindfulness is key and if we can catch ourselves in negative thoughts and change them, that soon becomes the pattern and our self talk is far more positive! Have a lovely day xx

I see you live in Capetown, I live in Witbank... I think Capetown is one of the most beautiful places in the world, you are blessed!

amazing post just love the way you express the ideas and thoughts. I followed you so that i cant miss any of your post
thanks for sharing #daisyd

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