From Atheism To Christianity! Upvote & Comment To Win $$$

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Leaving Atheism For Christianity...

Yesterday I introduced you guys to one of my favorite Christians, Nabeel Qureshi, who comes from an Islamic background. Today I'm going to introduce you another guy who comes from an atheistic background. This is the same David that Nabeel referred to in his testimony as his roommate who played a significant role in his journey of questioning Islam which led to recounting Islam and embracing Christianity. It turns out that David himself has a pretty hectic story! Have a watch/listen and let me know what you think! It's actually pretty long but definitely worth a watch! 😍

1 Peter 3:15

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

Upvote and comment to win some cash...

I plan to give 20% of my rewards for each post to one curator who has both upvoted and commented on my post so don't forget to upvote and comment! You don't have to resteem but I would be extremely thankful if you do; so much so that I will probably be more likely to pick you!

David Wood's Testimony


David Wood's testimony is very good, as is some of his apologetics. I have an issue with the islamophobia that he spreads. He is either deceived or doing it to build an audience. I'm not sure which?

Followed. I like your opinion.

I don't agree with everything he says or how he deals with Muslims but I also don't agree with "Islamophobia". I think it's a political term used to bully those who want to criticize Islam. Have you watched this?

I think it's a political term used to bully those who want to criticize Islam.

That is exactly how most people perceive it and that is by design. They see it all playing out on tv so it must be true!

The question that few people ask is 'who controls radical Islam'?

When the people running this world have finished killing most muslims they will turn their attention to killing Christians. It is a classical case of divide and conquer.

The bible repeatedly warns us not to be deceived and the bible was written for those of us that believe.

Yet 99% of the worlds population and the majority of Christians blame Muslims for radical Islam and people think it is true? It is one of satan's greatest deceptions. Satan isn't a doing a very job if 99% of people are correct - the majority is always wrong - on literally everything!

The Sabbatean-Frankists control every major religion in the world, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. They control ISIS, Hamas, Iran, North Korea and every other nation and world leader - no exceptions.

They control all sides and they are just playing with us! Whilst we fight amongst ourselves they are consolidating their power. It's all very simple once you can see through what they are doing. There is lots of great research online into the Sabbatean-Frankists and I'd encourage everyone to research them - they are pulling all of the strings and the masses are dancing to their tune.

Like I said above, I don't agree with everything Mr. Wood says. He has actually blocked me on Facebook because apparently I'm a "conspiracy nut" but I also don't agree with much of what you're saying either. You seem to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater! There's a reason we have words like "Islamophobia" and "Homophobia" but we don't have words like "Christophobia." :)

I am glad that Mr. Wood found forgiveness and redemption through Christ. From his story, it sounds like his life was plagued with mental health issues and he had an anti-social personality. However, I don't think his conversion to Christianity is necessarily more inspiring than someone who finds peace when they discover Buddhism. I believe in God, but who am I to judge the woman who identifies as a polytheistic Hindu? Further, I know Muslims and atheists who are great people, who aren't sociopaths or mass murderers, and who act more Christ-like than some of the people I know who are in church every Sunday. I enjoyed hearing David's testimony, but I hope people don't use the experiences of one former atheist to judge all atheists.

Thanks for your comment!! Just a quick question. A rhetorical one to make a point! Are you saying you can't judge someone who identifies as a polytheistic Hindu but you can judge some Christians who are in church every Sunday? I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you're already judging people in your comment! We all do!!! A wise man once said, to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing! So if you really don't want to "judge" people, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing! :]

I am saying that the members of any congregation, regardless of faith, or the lack thereof, are not necessarily morally superior to any other faith group. Judging someone typically includes defining a punishment for them. I didn't accuse anyone of passing judgment in my post, nor did I condemn anyone to hell for their moral failings or system of beliefs. I just said that I hope other people don't do so based on this person's testimony, which is based on their unique experiences.

It seems to me that you want to define judging in a way that would give you a pass ticket to say what you want to say, but not others! Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what you seem to be doing here. And as far as judgement being something that includes enforcing punishment is concerned, I think we would both agree that we need to have judges, laws and order and don't let the wicked rule over us or oppress us. I think we would both agree that we shouldn't let rapists go around and rape anyone they want and we should define punishments for such people and enforce those punishments in order to maintain the law and order of our civilization. And I also think we would both agree on freedom of speech and expression, as well as religion so that people would be free to express what they believe about morality, origins and afterlife. Do you know that for example, according to Islam, all non-Muslims are condemned to hell? Should we ban Islam and the Quran, because that's what the Quran says? What about Christianity and the Bible?

No one attacked or judged you or Christianity here, so I don't understand why you feel to make fairly obvious points about the necessity of having a legal system. My use of the term "judge", is in fact, a legal one. What do judges do? What did judges in the Bible do? They hear evidence and decide whether or not to pass down punishment.

The Bible gives Christians a pretty simple list of rules regarding morality. What I'm saying is that if you made a rhetorical report card based on those rules and objectively passed and failed every human being in existence on each of those points, I don't feel like there would be one group that would be overwhelmingly better or worse than another. I don't understand why you feel like that's judging one group, when it's actually implying that none of us is in a position to cast the first stone.

You see. I'm a Christian and I agree with you that none of us are in a position to cast the first stone but that doesn't mean none of us are in a position to tell people what they need to do the get saved. The same person who told us not to cast the first stone because we are all sinners, also told us to go into the world and preach the Gospel to everyone. You seem to have two different definitions of judging and you keep equivocating those definitions to suit you so you can say what you want to say and "judge" others but God forbid if others say something to "judge" you or someone else! There are people in this world who don't even believe in the Bible or Jesus or God and they're not going to agree with the fact that we are all sinners and not in a position to cast the first stone and are more than happy to cast the first stone. You can't help fix the world if you're afraid to speak out and stand up for the truth by "judging" those who are wrong by specifically addressing the roots of the problems which are false religions and false beliefs! Thanks for your comment anyway! :)

We are clearly interpreting what I said differently. Have a good night.

Im in!

Christ is my lord and saviour..

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Thank you so much! :)

I was an once atheist trending towards occult. The book that made me question the "moral superiority" issue was "A Refutation of Moral Relativism" by Peter Kreeft. This allowed me to receive the Word of God that led me to repentance and faith. @ironshield

Amen to that. God is good all the time and works in a mysterious way and in his time not yours. Upvoted. and welcome

If you read the bible you will see that it says that in the end days Satan will have fooled almost everybody, to me that means that 2000 million Christians, who represent a good percentage of the earth's population have to be included in that group as it says most people, or are these 2000 million excluded from being fooled? Or are just the Catholics fooled, or maybe it is the protestants, or maybe just part of the protestants as they hold such different ideas, or maybe you don't have to take this literally?
The truth is nobody knows, you don't even know if the bible is really the word of God, maybe the Koran is the word of God or the Talmud or the Bhagavad Gita. Just live your life as you think you should and let everybody else do the same, we'd have a lot less problems if we did this.

Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it! I disagree with you that I can't know whether Bible is God's Word or not or maybe Koran is God's Word. That only tells me that you haven't done your homework. I don't mean to be rude but I have to tell you the truth because I love you. Maybe you should watch this short video to realize why I disagree with your statement.

Just live your life as you think you should and let everybody else do the same, we'd have a lot less problems if we did this.

That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. I don't know why you would give someone like me an advice like that as if I'm going around putting a gun in people's heads and forcing them to convert to Christianity or else I will blow their brains out! And if you mean I shouldn't say anything about what I believe or why I believe other beliefs are false, then you're not practicing what you're preaching. By commenting here and saying what you believe and why you believe what I believe is false, you've already contradicted yourself! As a wise man once said, to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing! :)

Please watch this short video if you have time and get back to me. I would appreciate it :)

Frankly I don't understand why you have me view a video whose only reason for being is to affirm that Islam is false, which has nothing to do with what I wrote, I told you nobody knows, so maybe everyone is wrong and no holy book is really inspired by God that would make all religions false .

I hated it!

I have not heard of David Wood but I have definitely been listening to Nabeel's testimony and his apologist debates.
Do you know he is not feeling well and undergoing chemo?
Maybe he can post his vlogs here too and we can help support him besides "GoFundMe" and maybe he can find a way to convert Steem to cash to support his medical expenses as well.
What do you think?

Yes I know that he's going through a rough time. I'm sure he already knows about Steemit but he's just too busy doing other things. He has a patreon account where people have pledged to give him well over 10K per month so that he would make them educational videos so I'm pretty sure he doesn't have financial problems! Thanks for the comment by the way! :)

For me it has been the opposite, 3 years ago i quit my religion ( i was a catolic) i have been asking myself my whole life: Who or what is god? I never really got an answer to this question..
When my grandpa passed away 3 years ago, i have gone trough hell at this time cause of heavy depressions, i took the decision to leave my religion. There is so much misery in this world that i can't believe that there is someone or something who guides us or protects us. I believe in fate.

I must say that i strongly respect everyones believing except radical islamic falsebelievers that are willingly living under sharia law, like in the mid age.
Greetings Pivi :)

Thanks very much for your comment and for opening up and sharing your story. What you're referring to as the reason why you no longer believe in God, is known as the problem of evil. The million-dollar question of why is there so much suffering in the world if there is a God who loves us! Intellectually speaking, it is not difficult to provide reasons and answers to this problem so this is not really an intellectual problem as you can find the answers for it in the video that I've linked below but as William Lane Craig says in the video, this is more of an emotional problem and the intellectual answers will not fix the emotional problem that stems from the pain and suffering in the world! Once again, thanks very much for commenting :)

4:00 this might be the right answer to how i think. Thank you for enlightning me abit. I will do some more research about the theme over the next time.
Mind giving me a thumbs up for my opinion? It would be much appreciated :)

You made the right choice to leave Catholicism - it conflicts with the bible on so many levels. I was raised in a catholic home but I recognized that it was a false religion at an early age and I rejected it.

I suggest reading the bible for yourself and seeing what it says. Start with the Book of John and ideally read the King James Version. If you don't have one you read it online

Watch - Bible Way to Heaven (only 7 minutes) and see how easy it is to get to heaven.

There is plenty of evidence for Jesus Christ e.g. Case for Case, Cold Case Christianity, Frank Turek, William Lane Craig, John Lennox just to name a few. The evidence is out there - search for God and ask him to lead you to him and and he will. God Bless.

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