Failure Is Overrated

in #life7 years ago

1*ZwTWtL_SAFuKJFabRJaG3A.jpegMany a time, we feel we cannot become what we set out to become because we failed at something else. We do not want people to label us a failure so we do the possible best we know how to prevent ourselves from making any mistakes or failing at anything.

We feel since others are successful, why should we not be successful. But the question about whether we failed or not is not important, the important question is whether you tried your best or not.

Well, saying to try your best might be a cliche. But in essence, that is the most important feeling at the end of everything. That you did not do less than what you were capable of. So, when you did the best you can and still failed, for me that is not a failure, it is just a message that you are doing it wrong.

Doing it wrong does not mean you would do everything wrong. Last week, the world was aroused by the success that SpaceX recorded. But no one wanted to talk about the failed times the company tried. At a time, after failing 3 times, all the company had was money to go for one more trial, but today, the whole world celebrates SpaceX.

Never see failure as a label, something that says you are not good enough. Yeah, no one wants to fail but the more you focus on doing your best, the more you can be able to see further than the current limitation you are currently facing.

It is possible that some people had it easy in life, or maybe you think they did. No one guaranteed us that the part of our greatness would be smooth. See failure as a pathway to your goal. Feel free to cry, but never let down.

You fail today only to learn from your mistake. Tomorrow might be coming with something you have learned today. If you give up today, what you have learned would serve no one. See failure as another lesson needed to make you that great person you want to become.

Never see failure as a label that states that you cannot be better. The worst thing in life is to remain in one place for the fear of failure. Feeling secure and comfortable today does not mean tomorrow would be comfortable.

Same as having issues today does not mean that you would have the same issues tomorrow. Continue on the path to greatness and never let failure label you. Let no one label you. You can be what God wants you to be.

Failure is just teasing you. Do not give in. Continue to seek greatness and never give up. Stay blessed and God bless.

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