Dear Diary: Do You Waste Your Foods?
I just remember my mother telling us when we were just younger not to waste our foods because grace would frown and get a bad feelings for us. So that value of not wasting food had been deeply embedded in our hearts and minds until today.
In a words of a communist that I heard "you should not waste even a single grain of cooked rice because it is the blood and sweat of the farmers" because communists values the work of the workers/farmers for that reason.
In my home food never goes to waste and it is the reason for homes owning a dog for that matter because the dogs not only serves as an early warning or guard for the house but also a living food scraps disposal unit for the families.
So the family would feel better not to waste food scraps because there is always the dog that can eat leftovers which are typically scraps and not left-over foods.
The left-overs are stored in the refrigerator and eaten the next day or until it is totally consumed and generally not thrown but re-purposed for a dog meal if the family doesn't want it anymore.
Sometimes they give it to neighbors with pigs as an act of kindness and also for the reason of now wasting the food wastes that might have been thrown in the garbage.
Hi @cryptopie
Wasting food is first sign of destruction. We should not waste food.
We should always try to pass it to others if some is leftover.
I never waste my food.
Ahora en Venezuela tampoco se desperdicia ni un grano de arroz @cryptopie, antes nos dabamos ese lujo y ahora como hacen falta. Aunque no comulgo con las ideas comunistas en esta tienen mucha razón
It is incredible what people do to save and profit from the garbage. My regards, @cryptopie.
Oh I so agree with this! Actually I recorded a video on this exact subject this morning, but I haven't had time to upload it yet. I hate wasting food. I keep a compost heap for any fruit or veg that goes off, and for the peelings.