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RE: 10 Reasons Why YOU Should Be A Stay-At-Home DAD
It is refreshing to see this perspective from a father (or any man)! People seem to look at SAHDs in a negative light, but don't bat any eyelash at SAHMs- you could even say that mothers can be looked down upon for NOT staying at home. Good luck to you along your journey!
Thank you @cryptomomma, I can't agree more. There is a certain skewed perspective that lingers today; women are almost always expected to be the stay home parent and men are expected to be working to provide income. That's like saying women can't work and men can't parent. We all know that's not true. I've had men say that they could never do what I do. I tell them that I've said those exact words Humans are more than capable of nurturing life - it sort of comes naturally. That's how we got to a world population of 7 billion+ 😋
Thanks again for the love and input!!