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RE: To CHANGE or Not to Change - That is the question.

in #life6 years ago

May I ask you a question?

You wrote"Be the Change you want to see in the world": what change would you want to see in the world? (please just dont write back 30 sentences :P make it shorter haha)


Actually, those are Gandhi's words... Ok, I'll make it 29 then... Hahaha

Seriously, though... Great Question, Piotr!

  • I'd like to see real Freedom, Peace, Respect, Love and Harmony reign for all life on Earth.
  • I'd like to see the entire financial system with it's ponzi scheme flipped up-side-down, in that greed is flipped into giving to one another of limitless resources, which really are possible.

I think I'll stop there, as I believe all others would fall under those just in more detail...

Hi buddy,
thx for reply

"I'd like to see real Freedom, Peace, Respect, Love and Harmony reign for all life on Earth."

Im asking about some realistic changes :) Or at least share one or two dreams, not 5 :)

"I'd like to see the entire financial system with it's ponzi scheme flipped up-side-down, in that greed is flipped into giving to one another of limitless resources, which really are possible."

That would be against your first wish. That would cause huge chaos, global crisis, poverty, human trafficing, wars and millions would be killed and even more displaced.

Why so many people want this system to crash without having ANY alternative at all.

Take care :)

Those two harmonize perfectly together, at least as I see it; and the first one is one, not 5.

Why so many people want this system to crash without having ANY alternative at all.

I don't know anyone who wishes that really. Maybe you refer to brokers, traders, bankers, etc, talking the market lower. When they speak of "crash", they typically are short the market and just want to get back in at far lower prices for another run up in profits. That's a traders game. I think anyone who speaks of crash in the sense I get from you (i.e. without having ANY alternative), has some sort of alternative in mind. Many want them to bring back the gold backed dollar. But I really can't think of anyone wanting to crash the system without ANY alternative at all. It must be your own interpretation of other's views on it.

"I don't know anyone who wishes that really."

I see people all around us with similar wishes. Hoping that goverments and current system will collapse. I thought for a brief moment that you're also sharing same approach.

Im sorry if you found my reply challenging or negative or agressive. That's surely not my intention.

I do hope for change and know that to some degree it is highly likely that some sort of crash will be the catalyst, but that a better solution rolls out in it's stead and that the transition will be as smooth as possible in such as way as for my first dream above to be reinforced vs. being smothered, as it is today by the dying system we have now. And one could say it is collapsing and the new one rising already, as I see it. The new one being intricately tied into blockchain and AI technologies. The big question is will those who are so addicted to "controlling" and ruining the current system screw up the new one too or will we the people of the world (not just some individual "nation") step up to the plate and not allow the same mistakes to happen again.

Appreciate your comment. I also hope for smooth transition.


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