Hi everyone Im brand new to this . I am very excited about the possibilities of steem. Allow me to introduce myself my name is Brad . Im from Birmingham ,Alabama . I am 39 years old and single but do have a daughter whos 11 and she is my whole world. Back in December my world got turned up flipped around. I had a head on collision withanother car . My daughter was in the car and it was 1pm on a sunday afternoon. The police estimated thay we were both doing 45mph. Luckly my daughter escaped with no harm . I wasnt that lucky during the wreck I hit my head so hard and a few times that i went into a seizure . I had brain swelling loss of memory and all that good stuff. Its been a long hard road but I am revovering . I still cant drive or any physival activity . Its npt all bad though because at first i.couldnt even remember what I did 2 mintues ago. Now i am getting to where i can remember what I did in the morning or even yesterday . Even though I havr been through this event I still consider my self bless . My daughter wasnt hurt and om still alive. Through all this ive learned life does not stop because of tragic events . Life keeps going . You can sit there and feel.sorry for.yourself and let life pass you by or work hard and continue moving forward with life. Anyways thats a little bit about me . Love and grattitude tp anyone who might read this.
Hey Brad, sorry to hear about your accident..., but welcome to Steemit :-)
Thank you sir ... it did suck but its given me a ehole new view on life and made me stronger.
Thank you ...love and grattitude to you
Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes....something I have to deal with but I'm getting there.