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RE: Thank you 2017 for the bad start

in #life8 years ago

Ah immigration LOL, I am a Registered Nurse; I tried to get a j-o-b in England but I am to old for a work visa. You cannot get a work visa to that cloud obscured mad cow disease ridden hell hole if you are over age 30.

To work in the UK means almost less than minimum wage as an RN, but I was prepared to come work there and give service for poor wages. But the crazies running the mad house would not allow me LOL... So I say, Good Luck England ROFL ;) you deserve everything bad that happens to you :)

Ah America, these crazies would not allow me to work there even after passing my nursing licensure examination. So I decided instead of doing the correct thing and trying to work in the Good Ole USA the proper and legal way, I would start my own business...

This business is going awesomely well so far, so I MUST say a huge thank you to the retards who run the American bureaucracy, you are so lucky to have that weirdo going to make you great again LOL, again; you deserve everything bad that is gonna happen to you :)
Just remember usually the safest way to stay healthy is to stay a very long way from government licensed pharmaceutical drug dealers; I have been in health care my entire life and seen some great good things and some of the stupidiest dumb ship you would never believe.

Every time you visit a health professional you are playing Russian Roullette with your body, keep going to the doctors and like the casino; sooner or later you will lose. Take my most recent two examples man I am close to he goes to the doctor for a fairly routine issue, but even though this is not hard; they MANAGED TO GIVE HIM A BLOOD CLOT lol :)
They had one chance to hurt him and harm him they managed, note this was a medical induced complication not biology. Personally if governments do not want Registered Nurses, then I love people and love helping people I will gladly swap scrubbing bed pans for raising money to help worthy REAL charities LOL . . .
The NHS is welcome to all the cutbacks they will continue to receive and like always it is the decent middle average people who will suffer the most :) That is a fact of life, bad things happen to good people...
Ain't Life Grand ;)


Erm excuse me there is nothing wrong with The people of the UK its the morons who are supposed to run the UK that deserve something bad. THEY have the working class on there knees and killing off all the disabled

If the people of the UK want something different all they need to do is one thing...
All the people need to do is tell their elected representatives they are guaranteed to be FIRED after one term in office. Once you take the prestige (vomit) and [ money] out of politics you will start getting people entering politics who truly know how to make a difference...

And the crazy people of the UK are more likely to start wearing their underwear on the outside of their clothing than to start mass firings off of professional politicians...

We are def not crazy we are wore down with the elite taking everything leaving the poor with nothing they have caused uproar here but seem to be getting away with making there own rules. Don't tar us all with the same brush

Every country has 80 % of its population just being good solid reliable citizens, then you have the other 20 % getting all the attention and causing all the grief.

It is just what I myself object to is the silent 80% majority having to be forgotten and ripped off due to the worthless and useless public image 20% of cretins and scumbags...

This is wrong and until the 80% majority grow some kahunas and demand change then the crazy 20 % will continue to get away with their scams...

Very true, the 20% have to much of everything and think they more important than anyone else.

reply from below,,,
no the 20 % do not have everything, the FIVE % have everything and feel they deserve even more, then u have the other 15% who have nothing and will never have nothing and feel they need everyone else to provide for them...

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