The Greatest Game to Grind: Life

in #life7 years ago

Spending 12 hours a day behind a screen, killing the same monster, repeatedly until your eyes bleed. Remember those one or two rotations you learned to “Master” your class? 2 Years later you are still there, same rotations, slightly different monsters, and maybe even hints of depression. What kept you going? Obviously you really wanted that shiny sword, or armor set, hell maybe it was new camo skin for your gun.

Is that what you really wanted though? During those 2 years you complained about not having an income. You fought with your loved ones for not understanding, You clearly were unhappy complaining about every new update, all new content, and constantly hopped from guild to guild.

This could have been prevented, but the past was the past, you need to change now.

The truth is the amount of work you are putting into your games, is the same amount of work you have to put in life. It is pure honesty! Just as you had to grind hours and days to get ahead in the leader boards, you have to put the same amount of effort when marketing your business, gaining followers on your blog, or selling a product.

The definition of grinding is simply working hard! Just showing up to your job and doing what you are told isn’t “work”. Work is going above and beyond the expectations and constantly striving to perfect your performance, to search knowledge above your paygrade in the form of mentorship.

So now ask yourself, are you really working for that promotion? Are you really trying to a strong circle of followers? You don’t just get stuff for free. No one just gave you that high level character with 3,000+hours of log-in experience. It took dedication.

If you need help to get started, and change your life, book a session, set-up a meeting, ask for help.