Laughing the source of life.
Waking up every day with a smile on our face is one of the best things we can offer to ourselves. Laughing on a daily basis makes our psychology grab itself toward the positive side of life, giving us the most pleasant benefits for our body, mind and soul.
Let's look at the things that laugh gives us:
Reduction of blood pressure
Increase of vascular blood flow and blood oxygenation
Exercises the diaphragm the abdominal, respiratory, facial muscles, leg
and back.Reduces certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline
Increases resistance to diseases that kill cells
Helps against respiratory infections, and even help to reduce the frequency of colds
Improves alertness, creativity and memory
And let's not talk about the effects on our psychology !
Dont miss this hilarious video with a person demostrating laughing yoga:
Laughing is the best cure! ;)