When your not ready to say goodbye

in #life7 years ago (edited)

My papaw has always been a big, strong man. He has told me about his life when he was younger. He quit school in the 3rd grade. He left home when he was 11 to work with a traveling carnival. I think he has been to just about every state. He married my nan when he was 21 and she was 14. He moved them from Kentucky to Ohio where he worked in a foundry. Years later they moved back home to Kentucky. He ended up working in a the coal mines. Everyone was always amazed how that was possible because of his size.
My papaw has always been the biggest male role model in my life. My dad, his son hasn't really ever been there for me, but papaw always was no matter what. He is famous for his speeches. He doesn't hold back when giving advice, and gives it no matter if asked or not. That's how he shows his love. He is also very stubborn. He is always in his garage working on something, even though he has some issues that causes his hands to shake he doesn't let that stop him.
I have a lot of memories with my papa. Arguing with him over our outlooks on different things. Eating hot dogs and chili with hot sauce from the time I was two. Bringing him Klondike bars every year on his birthday. Him giving me the nick name Nikki because my middle name is Nicole. Him driving me back and forth to work before I got my license. Picking out my first car for me. Him giving me life lessons from his experiences.
My papaw now lays in a hospital bed in the ICU hooked up to a vent. When I walked in that room and saw my big, strong, stubborn papaw laying there hooked up, helpless my heart broke. I'm not ready to loose him.



Your papaw seems to be a great man.
I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going to well for him at the moment.
Best wishes and prayers for him.

Thank you

Best Wishes and Prayers :)

Thank you

Damn that's rough. He seems like the type of guy I get along with.

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