Dream Countdown #2: Acting

in #life7 years ago


From a very young age I always dreamed of being an actress. I loved musicals with all of my 7 year old heart. They captivated me. From the singing to the dancing and the ever present spark of romance, musicals became my go to movies to watch. Of course I also loved a good old fashioned western or chic flick as well (ok anything with action, romance and a good plot held my interest). I had a mind filled with such imagination. My poor older sister and my younger brother were often dragged into so many of my play ideas, and of course I had to be the main character. If we played Doctor than I had to be the very sick patient who was nursed back to life by the handsome young doctor. If we played House the I of course was the teen daughter who always caused trouble and had boyfriends left and right. If we played Knights and Castles then I was without a doubt the princess that needed saving. The list goes on but I’m sure you get the picture haha. I guess as a child the idea of having a life so different to the one I had, one filled with excitement, adventure and love interests galore, excited me. I could be so many different people and experience so many things as an actress...instead of being just plain ol me. I wish I had realized back then that I wasn’t created to be anybody but who I was. Sadly I didn’t and acting became something I worked hard at. Soon I found myself a part of a huge drama... and I had landed the leading role.


It’s funny how you don’t realize how much you’ve changed until it reaches around and smacks you upside the head. I got so good at acting that I even fooled myself. “I’m alright.” “I’m not messed up.” “No one knows.” “I’m not starving myself...I’m just not hungry.” “God didn’t tell me to do that. It’s just my mind running 100mph again and getting me confused.” I lied to myself and my thirst for a more exciting life, my way, was my driving force. Why couldn’t I be a model? I wasn’t strong enough mentally...and God knew that. Why couldn’t I be a dancer? Fact of the matter is, as much as I love dance, I wasnt geared for it. (no one needs that many broken legs, ok maybe I’m exaggerating...but only slightly.). Why couldn’t I have a boyfriend? I didnt know how to truly love in that way yet. Why couldn’t I be an actress? Because God didn’t create me to put on a mask and act like I was ok and had it all together. He created me to be open and vulnerable so that I could speak to others and touch their hearts in a different way. I love how Paul put it in 2nd Corinthians... “But He said to me, (talking about God) “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Then Paul writes “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecution and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2nd Corinthians 12:9-10. You see I had auditioned for a part I wasn’t meant for. Thankfully God believes in second chances and now I’m playing the leading role in a story God wrote...just for me.


God has given each of us a call to action (Mark 16:15) and a role specifically created for you. Wether or not you follow His directions is up to you. It’s never to late to say “Yes God, I’m ready to do this. I’m ready to live the life you’ve given me. To achieve the goals you’ve set before me.” If you ever wanted an exciting life like the movies portrayed then look no further. Living life Gods way has a beginning, turning point, big event, crisis, climax, realization and ending. There will be ups and downs. Joys and trials. Accomplishments and failures. And at the end of it all is the greatest happy ending imaginable. Eternal life with the loving Father who created you and walked through life by your side. Rooting for you, holding you, encouraging you, comforting you, guiding you and helping you through all the obstacles life threw your way. Never in a million years could I have dreamed of anything better. A story that began with an amazing sacrifice of love....that went through a journey of grace and mercy...and ended with a eternity of everlasting love in the embrace of our Father. What more could a girl ask for? For I am a part of the greatest love story ever put into action.



God's story is beautiful, isn't it? I am with you though--it's been a long process for me to realize that He has a better plan for me than any of the stories I have tried writing for myself.

Yes! Thank goodness God possesses the patience we do not 😊

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