Do you Censor this Post?

in #life8 years ago

I should not write so much. I am new. So I could just like you.

I got a police record here on steemit by @steemcleaners today. They hated my post about the hardfork in steem and steemit. You may see there comments on my post to make me unpopular. Not nice. I have written them, but they do not reply. How horrible.

Many people here talk politics, I may comment too. To America you seem to hate your President soon. Why? He is your President. If you had y elected ruler, you would run away. This is true. Many are angry.

We do not make people bad people here because they say what they think. I said I am no dog. I said we have homeless. I said we are not greedy because people eat and I made a good reference. As your President said - don't be Rude! Do not take me for my age. How old are you? Can I be mad at you too?

I am human no computer generated computer-bots. I eat and I sleep. Do not be mean or judge me. I will be old one day. I will not post this in steem or steemit because you judge me as someone says very unfair. I like steem and I will do well here.


Ok I checked your post and you just need to be very careful about your tags ! What you blogged about for one thing had nothing to do with " steemit ," pehaps food , life , story would be much better picks ! This is them just trying to help you , before someone actually flags you , and they will , you will be fine ! no one flagged you so you should be grateful for their help not mad ! Keep steeming on your doing great , just be careful ! Heres 4 great tags that alot of stuff can go in : ,"life/ minnowsunite / story / blog . Good luck to you ! 👍

Ok I checked your post and you just need to be very careful about your tags ! What you blogged about for one thing had nothing to do with " steemit ," pehaps food , life , story would be much better pick

you didnt get the post. its a metaphor

No need to reply in such a rude tone ! I was being nice and trying to help you I even wished you good luck ! , if you were more careful with your tags you would have no problems ! And I totally "Get "what you were saying ! Steem cleaners were also only trying to help you before you get flagged ! It happens to everyone on steemit , dont take it so personally !

Don't let the steemcleaners get you down, I don't think they understood what you were trying to say. There has been a problem with people using tags that are not related to their posts, so lately they have been a bit more harsh about it. But you are doing great, we're happy to have you!! You will do well here, I'm sure of it :)

In a perfect world, community members would cooperate to rate each other's contribution and derive a fair compensation. In the real world, algorithms must be designed in such a manner that they are resistant to intentional manipulation for profit. Any widespread abuse of the scoring system could cause community members to loose faith in the perceived fairness of the economic system.

This is page 6 of SteemWhitePaper

@karenmckersie I may be "all wet" on this, but I reread the previous post and what I think the kid was trying to get at wasn't his family's 🥘. There was an announcement about the upcoming hardfork 17 a couple of days ago. If I'm correct a major focus is the curators 💰 structure & changes 25% to 38%? No? (Lol) or maybe he was just hungry and that's all Folks! 🌝 (perhaps 'out of the mouth of babes'). ::No Offense @countzero:: Just using that as an alliteration. Keep on Steemin!!!

Your post was obtuse, perhaps it was a language issue. Don't get all beat up over it..Welcome and keep on steeming on :)

Your post was obtuse

obtuse doesn't mean that. the word youre looking for is "obscure"

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