Pain in the lower segment of back? Lumbago can be the answer.

in #life6 years ago


Lumbago - what is it? 

People suffering from loins are struggling with pain in the sacrum and loins of the spine, they struggle with pain in the sacral and lumbar region. Back pain, which may exacerbate during decline, can be used for several weeks, from time to time normal functioning. Most searched for users between 30 and 55 years of age. Due to disturbing symptoms, they were not downplayed. In the event of a lumbago disorder, it is important to consult a doctor or physiotherapist.



In the largest number of cases lumbago is responsible for not very advanced diseases, which are quite easily eliminated by the implementation of appropriate treatment. There may be minor injuries of the lumbosacral part of the spine, obesity or increased muscle tone. Much more often, however, our habits are responsible for the development of lumbago - the adoption of the wrong posture during daily activities, insufficient physical activity, as well as overloading of the lumbo-sacral spine resulting from taking an incorrect position when bending, lifting heavy objects or standing. 


The nature of lumbago symptoms is closely related to the factors that cause them. In patients, acute pain occurs spontaneously or as a result of various activities, especially bending, walking and lifting. It can radiate lower, covering the legs. In many cases it appears at night, contributing to sleep problems. Patients on lumbago often observe stiff muscles in the lower back, muscle contractions and muscle weakness, which in the most advanced cases may lead to their disappearance. Significant limitation of the spine's mobility makes both sitting and walking or standing problematic. It happens that patients experience numbness and tingling of the limbs, and in some cases also sensory disturbances. 


In the course of lumbago therapy, the most popular methods of local treatment allow to alleviate pain. The doctor usually recommends taking analgesics, anti-inflammatories and, if necessary, relaxants. The best results can be achieved by using physiotherapy - a properly performed massage helps to relax muscles and tissues. At lumbago it is also recommended to use the help of a physical therapist - for example, a method of cold treatment, magnetotherapy or laser therapy turns out to be effective. It is also important to ensure proper physical activity, thanks to which we can strengthen the spine muscles and improve its stabilization, while reducing pain.


Preventive actions can protect us from unpleasant ailments related to lumbago. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the load on the spine by taking care of taking appropriate positions while performing duties - both professional and home. The pain will also help us avoid regular physical activity with emphasis on exercises strengthening and stretching the muscles. This will not only positively affect our motor skills, but will also enable us to maintain adequate body mass - excessive kilograms are also not conducive to the condition of the spine. Avoid suddenly making torso twists and lifting heavy objects. If this is not possible, remember not to do so while standing. Before we lift a massive object, let's squat down - this will relieve the spine.  

Above all, we want to point out that all measures taken should be consulted with a doctor!

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