Mercury Retrograde, Why I Am Not Fixing @throattothestars's iMac Until Monday.

in #life8 years ago

Up until recently I had not been much of a firm believer in the effects of planetary movements on human affairs. Traditional astrology had always sounded like a bunch of hoopla to me and I was never trusted the accuracy of the Gregorian calendar. Seriously though, research it, our current system of keeping "time" is a joke.

I then came across a lecture speaking about the effect of the moon on the ocean. It is undeniable and causes the rise and fall of the ocean. Next it was stated that the human body was 60% water, therefore the moon must have an impact on us.

Moving on to the planets, how could something so far away have an impact?

Personally I feel this is much more of an electromagnetic effect. The twist is that the planets have a pull on the sun similar to the moon on the earth. This I think creates the electromagnet effect that would give credit to some of these documented astrological events like mercury retrograde.

Then there is personal experience, this most recent MR has had the most impact in my life to date. Day one, the hard drive in my bosses 2009 iMac completely crashed with her expense reports on it. I was tasked with recovering them of course, ended up in a terminal copying each file over by hand.

One of the more difficult processes I have been given and luckily I some command line experience. I then looked into how to replace the hard drive in a 2009 iMac, should be easy enough, right? Uh, no it is not easy at all, even for someone that does computer repair regularly. For starters you need a suction cup to remove the magnetized glass from the front of the machine, who just has one of those randomly laying around. This GUY lol, had to be in the company mascot suite during a parade so I got a suction cup with a handle for holding onto the truck while it was moving.

I explained to my boss the process of replacing the hard drive and she decided to just purchase a new iMac. I brought the iMac home with the intention of repairing it for use in the house, but it ended up just sitting in the basement because we have laptops and no desk to put a desktop. I was then promoting steemit to @throattothestars and it was mentioned that she had never owned a computer and steemit was difficult from just a phone.

Then the idea came to me, why not have the community fund the repair so she can prepare better content. I pitched the idea in a blog, @reddust and @hexdek16 made donations to get the ball rolling. I had planned to write an introduction post right after my vacation to raise the funds but while I was away there were two deaths in the family.

Upon returning I took that week to reflect and be with family putting the project aside. That is until yesterday when my newer car decided to stop working on me. A message reading "Engine Power is Reduced" appeared and a trend of mechanical failure started to appear. Mercury Retrograde strikes yet again!

The impact was undeniable and I vowed to not repair my car or start any projects until it was over. Also going to lay low and keep my head on swivel for the next few days. Knowing of such events does not change much but being more aware goes a long way.

Thanks for reading, all funds from this post will go towards the repair.



This particular Mercury Retrograde has been a tough one for, everyone. I wrote about this right when it began and it doesn't cease to to amaze me to see its proof. It's nature and we are nature, too.

Right when it started I lost a laptop computer, myself. :)

Mercury retrograde is about taking a break and reflecting on what's already in your life - not starting anything new. To work on what you have.

Not really a good time to communicate, either.

It's about energy - a time for rest, as the planet itself rests. It's a "downtime" period.

That explains why posts have not been making much! JK lol

Yeah, it's true. It's been very quiet I've noticed.

Not sure how close astrotheology is to astrology but I do agree that there must be some real science behind it. I have listened to some of Santos Bonacci videos and it seems quite interesting. I do take all this man says with a grain of salt though.

Cool, will check it out. Thanks!

there are an awesome number of variables involved in the actual, measurable effects having to do with this. there has been too much denial, and false skepticism, so these effects have not, to my knowledge, been properly catalogued, let alone sufficiently studied. MR has been, as far as I understand, been related to difficulties in communication, and realization of planning. I find that it is a time of explosive creativity for me, as long as, I don't try to involve anyone else, or act on the results of the brain hurricane until the MR is over.

there are, at least, gravitational, magnetic, electromagnetic, as well as scalar interaction. this is not to mention the sun, other planets, galactictic, and cosmic radiation, gamma ray bursts, and much, much more. there are an amazing number of energetic inputs to the earth system. I've spent much time trying to understand this and my mind still boggles at the scale and complexity.

Well put, thank you.

Personally, I was always curious how planets would affect human life if a baby is born outside of our solar system. My won astrological chart fits about 30%, 20% completely wrong and 50% could be applied to just about anybody.

There are far too many variables to consider it an exact science.

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