Struggling with Why

in #life7 years ago

Original Post:

It’s a few weeks since we found out Laura’s diagnosis. To say it’s been a tough couple of weeks would be an understatement. Charlie isn’t handling these changes well. I’m grieving still and it may be a while till I’m OK with this diagnosis. For now it’s still hard to think about our future as a family. Don’t get me wrong in saying this, I have so much HOPE. Hope in God, hope in a cure and hope in Laura’s future.

I was walking through a store the other day just thinking about Laura. I started thinking about the day we dedicated her at church. I had been praying about what I would say standing in front of everyone. At the time we were just told they thought Laura may have Ataxia because her movements were so all over the place. My heart was hurting we had more questions and no answers. I kept praying, asking God to tell me what I should say if anything. He placed Psalm 139:13 on my heart. For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. As I was walking through the store I started to dissect that verse and add Laura into it. For God created Laura’s inmost being. He knit her together in MY womb. I stopped. I’ve been struggling with the why. I’m not mad, I’m not upset. I’m sad and I just don’t understand why, why did it happen to us; to Laura. I don’t necessarily have to know or need to know why. Maybe this is something God will share with me in heaven. But for some reason he chose MY womb to give life to Laura. He gave me the honor of being her mother. Laura is fearfully and wonderfully made, his works are wonderful, I know that full well. This last part cut out the why completely. It doesn’t matter why when his works are fearfully and wonderfully made. And the why certainly doesn’t matter when I KNOW these things full well.

I don’t know if you struggle with the why of things but stopping and realizing that it doesn’t matter because God makes the why obsolete gave me some peace. He’s going to provide me with whatever we need so the why will never matter.


I'm sorry for your difficult situation.

I was saved in 1980 at the age of 21. My first wife had two stillborn children. She passed away due to complications from kidney disease when she was 30. That was 25 years ago.

There are obviously no easy answers as to why God does what He does or why He allows what He allows. I think sometimes God has believers go through trials or tragedies to either make them grow or to be a model of remaining faithful despite tragedy.

Thank you for sharing your story. The Bible calls us to share with other to help them better understand and cope. It also tells us our walk with Christ will not be easy and sometimes we will have to be martyrs. It has been over a year now sense this post was written and we as a family have grown so much stronger from it.

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