Bye-Bye Alaska

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Original Post:

So much has happened in the last two weeks. The positive first, I had the BEST time off in Poland. Lots of shopping and bonding with some amazing women. I needed that so badly. Especially as we have been receiving news we wouldn’t have hoped for and have not been praying for.

Our orders to Alaska are most likely gone. We were denied services for Laura there, basically because they don’t have what she needs there. So blessing but sure doesn’t feel like one. Allen really wanted Alaska. It was the only reason he re-enlisted. But God knows exactly what we need – Tricare. We need Allen in the military because Laura’s medical expenses are going to be hefty. So currently we have no home in 4 months. Scary… well maybe but I don’t feel scared about it. Clearly God has a hand in what is happening right now. I don’t have to worry about signing anybody up for school next year and we can be flexible in our move. God’s path is perfect. It reminds me of Proverbs 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. If you are unaware Allen has been planning this move to Alaska well before we even knew we’d be going there. God has different plans for us. I am praying that where ever we go next Allen will enjoy more than he would have enjoyed Alaska.

The next bit of news we found out is that Laura will have to have an MRI. Hopefully the third Thursday of this month but we still have to figure out all the logistics of it. They also want to do Genetic testing on her. Her developmental pediatrician doesn’t want to say too much on what he thinks is going on, which I appreciate and don’t all at the same time. Either way I’m a mess so I guess it’s better I have nothing to research while being a mess. I want so badly for them to come back after the MRI and genetic testing to say nothing is wrong your baby is perfect, but the deeper we go the further away that feeling becomes. My heart is breaking that something could be so wrong with her.

On top of this it looks like Charlie has the onset of pneumonia. It feels like we can’t catch a break over here but James makes me feel a little bit better about all of these things happening at the same time James 1: 2-4: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have it’s perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. This is what I keep telling myself. In other versions it says so that you will be mature and lacking nothing. We are enduring right now, joyfully enduring. We keep running for a finish line we can’t find. We trust that God has his hand in all of this, I mean how could we not. He has moved what feels like mountains to get some things done for us.

So we keep smiling and we have Joy because God is God, the great I AM and we rest assured in his plan.

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