What would it be like to live without cell phones and other wireless devices? - Green Bank, West Virginia

in #life8 years ago

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For most of us, the idea of living without our cell phone, wireless internet, and other wireless devices is inconceivable. In fact, most of us are so dependent and reliant on our technology to survive, that if we were to have it taken away from us, we would not know what to do with ourselves.
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For citizens of Green Bank West Virginia, this is a normal part of everyday life. This town is unique because it lies in the National Radio Quiet Zone, which is a 13,000 sq miles area where wireless/digital devices of any kind are not allowed or able to operate. This is due to the placement of a highly sensitive Telescope which is used to measures radio waves from throughout the universe. Any wireless device can have a negative effect on its observations hence the ban on usage of any wireless devices.
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Below is a video care of Youtube and National Geographic about this unique town.

For some people, this type of life is ideal and more fulfilling. There are less distractions and people are more aware of their surroundings and can appreciate the world around them.

Do you think you could survive without your wireless devices? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Thanks for reading


I cant survive without my cell.

most people cant :)

Yes, I can!

Regular plain old telephone service and answering machines, it cannot be all bad.

My ears wouldn't ring as much! lol :)

I must be old I guess ... I remember the days when cell phones didn't yet exist, and there was no internet.

What was it like? Well, back then as kids we played outside a lot, jumping our bikes in sand pits, jumping rope or any other games we could come up with.

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