RE: The enslavement of humanity. The creation of money, debt, inflation. How the entire world got baited into this system where we work our lives for the benefit of a few.
Forget about any minor inaccuracies dear @krisstofer, I think you got the essence of it right, which is what really matters.
The true Armageddon will be between the self centered heartless and those who have true empathy for their fellow beings, irrespective of their status. The egocentric ones, known by their greed and their arrogance and their heartless exploitation of their fellow beings, are what they are for their short sightedness, incapable of seeing what life for us humans is truly about. Blinded by the euphoria of their temporary wealth and power they suffer delusions of grandeur and illusions of fulfillment of their own making that will destroy itself by its very own nature. They fail to see where true happiness lies and insanely keep doing themselves out of it.
What is also true, is that in spite of their lack of true wisdom, these bastards are extremely shrewd - they sharpen their minds spending all of their spiritual energy on their own self interest and on doing in the this way innocent, the ones who spend their energy on caring for one another and on caring for the God given world we live in. And this is why they are rich and the righteous are poor.
And yes, I agree with you - soon the misery they cause, even to themselves, will come to an end, as the power that they have is encrypted out of their hands, back to the hands of those who can see that salvation lies in fairness and in love and in working together toward the best for all.
They are shrewd and selfish and they won't let go without a fight, so there is work to be done!
God bless!