Modern Consumer Individuality - The latest face for the greatest lie ever told

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Please read this small reading guide and definitions before sailing on this streem:

The living knowledge of knowing yourself as a vessel is in itself an afront to those that feel secure in their repressions. By embarking on the inevitable path of self-realisation you will encounter opposition but as long as your starting point for embarking on this path is based in creating a world that is for all one and equal, you will always emerge victorious. Victory in this sense is not necessarily a conquering, but an overcoming of obstacles, or a releasing of repressions that stand between you and your opposition.

Self interest is your only weakness, and it is best you discover those things in your personality you are not willing to let go of first, or at least understand with honesty those things that you are aware will take some time for you to release. Then with this understanding of yourself, you are aware of your own weaknesses and where you can easily fall.

It is better the devil you know.

People are controlled by repetition. Our vessels are conditioned by repetition. For a vessel to retain a repression it must do so by having that habit or behaviour repeatedly performed by it or to it.

Repetition is used by the media to train our choices into us while when we come to choosing, we believe we freely chose that thing, of our own rational deduction. We are trained to believe we are individuals capable of rational deduction.

For example, to like popular music that has been repeated incessantly on the radio waves is not exercising free will, it's being mind controlled. The human works predominantly as a group mind, and more often than not makes decisions as a herd. The belief you are an individual while walking off the cliff with the herd is the greatest deception modern consumerism has pulled over our eyes since, well, since...
people believed in Kings and Queens and that their fate was predestined to live in the many leveled cage of middle to lower-class status. We still play the same game of hierarchy, just the words have changed, the cities have a bit more plastic and we are dutifully educated we possess equality and freewill when with a little honest research you find really that we don't.

To realise we are not individuals is the first step to freedom. Yes, you must stoop to the level of stark and unpopular self-realised honesty and crawl on your belly through the eye of the needle before any level of progress can be made. You have desperate need of getting bloody filthy in that hot stinking muck called outrageously courageous and brutal honesty. Because where you are now, the ceiling is vaulted and the tables are rigged yet you are told you can win and that you will live forever. A ceiling painted blue is not a limitless sky. Time to awaken. What it really is to be individual is out of this world. End game indeed.

My nephews judge music by what they hear on the radio. I played an improvisation of their favourite song once to my disgust and they were equally disgusted because I didn't play it exactly as the radio spouted it. I explained what an improvisation is and the older one got it. They have been trained through the media that music is about being competitive and for getting attention. The group mind of their friend base at school overrides efforts to offer an alternative; focussing on what is hip or cool in order to be accepted. The education system is a process of deep conditioning preparing them for work, while the consumer system 'fulfills' their desires, desires that have been planted in them by repetition through the media as they grow up. Their individuality is a fabrication, and it resembles many choices of cereal on a supermarket shelf, all choices have been branded and approved by the supermarket distributor and people think that life exists only in the supermarket; completely unaware of the potential of their own creative power by using their imagination. All choices in this system are designed to keep you in the system, to power this system. It is important we realise that most desires we have now are not desires we would have chosen were we raised in an honest self-aware family with no consumer conditioning. This ideal seems somewhat intangible.

In order to cultivate true individuality, we must ask ourselves the following questions: Who am I without money? Would I be doing what I do now if money didn't exist? Who am I without technology? Do I retain my identity if I throw away my phone? (Sounds hilarious, but seriously); Who am I alone? Am I comfortable alone? Am I the same person alone as when I am with other people? Spend long periods alone (up to three weeks) without contact with technology or people, and find out who/what you really are at base level.

A real assistive education in this world of controlled repetitions would require teaching kids the ability to be self aware and the ability to detach from the system and still maintain a sense of self.

I understand now, after enough experience with people that ultimately ignorance is a choice. No one can save anyone. People make their choices that lead to other choices, that have put them on the path they are on now. Sometimes, the best we can do to assist another is to retain our own authentic expression in this storm of delusion. I'm not going to lose sleep over not successfully being Jesus. But it doesn't stop me from getting fed up and trying to help with people once in a while.

What is the greatest lie? That you are what you think you are. We assume the body is ours while it is trained through repetition to store the repressions of our identitys to function as part of this system based on a need for conflict, and held together with fear of loss.

The lie is that individuality can be contained inside a brain and a body separate from everything. When in actuality this is just a belief system. All energy bodies are in constant communication with each other. When I spend time with another my energy body becomes one with theirs and my thoughts are catered to their reasoning.

The modern consumer individual cannot exist in the realisation of self as the vessel. This is because it does not exist. Once reality is seen without thoughts as your identity, then the lie is over and the person that identifies as a vessel is constantly changing in contents according to its company, society, habits and social norms. Identity is changeable and malleable. This eliminates a need for conflict. Which stops powering a system that requires it.

Thoughts and likes, fetishes and favourite colours and social status do not make an individual. The repeated conditioning that you as these things are an individual by your education and the mainstream media is what has given you this belief or ingrained repression.

All minds are one mind, all bodies are one body, all repressions are what we deem identity and all differences we capitalise on are based on the erroneous belief we are contained inside a brain and are therefore a unique individual. This the greatest illusion and a consumer capitalist mindtrap. This illusion relies heavily on controlling our education and conditioning.

This will be hard for so many. To give up the conditioned belief of being an individual. Just like the conditioned belief that equality or democracy now exist, or that religion unequivocally equals morality. The repressions we have carried since childhood, productive or abusive, make up a very strong part of each of our characters and we cannot just will them away in a single moment. The battle is had with our innate habits of being a human animal, that includes being attracted to what is familiar even if it proves to be to our detriment.

A true individual is a sovereign of the universe not dependent on any social status or group role in order to exist. Solely and utterly independent in all ways. This is a concept that can really only be explored once all restrictive repressions not inline with god have been released from the body. Yes, we still must retain some familiar ongoing personality to function effectively in this world, which means retaining some repressions. But let this be an identity chosen by you specifically and not by your past.

It's time to strip away all you think it is that is you and really break down every last piece of conditioning stored in you. You need to redesign yourself according to what you must achieve in this world. This is a far cry from the illusion that who you are now is who you must remain forever. With the right tools for releasing repression this is possible. This includes empowering yourself to remove your own guilt and regret through self forgiveness.

For those feeling trapped in a dark identity remember your prison is self willed, self created and you hold the key to the door, you can open it at any time. You need to forgive yourself for identifying as an individual in this world in this way. Through this release you provide a path to walk on your own again, in an emotional state that is regenerative and sustainable.

A simple exercise to initiate this process is simply to focus on your breath and the feeling of the air in your nostrils. Everytime you feel yourself taken away by your thoughts, you just focus on this. Do not try to force thoughts away, as they will come back stronger, simply divert your attention to the earth, to the direct feeling in your body.

Good luck and until next time,

BF x

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