in #life7 years ago

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"So have you secured your Valentine date yet?"
Then it dawned on me that I havent. Off to the market I go. The POS of dates in this market of ours is like churches in PH. I most definitely would find quite a number before the day runs out.images.jpg
Unlike a host of people who might altogether disband the celebration of Valentine's day and brand it a celebration of heathen which of course i do not blame them for. I think your valentine's day is what you make of it.
You see, this is one of the banes of one-off celebrations. They become avenues for hypocrisy. If you supoosedly demonstrate love profusely on the one day, what happens to the next day, next week or next month or even next year? Okay, next year isnt supposed to be on the list, you'd probably celebrate it again.
If there is one day what showing love , its the day were there isn't a demand or obligation.
Happy belated Valentine.
Thanks for reading