Never waste a Crisis - Next stop Hyperinflation, and Vaccinies with certificates

in #life5 years ago

22nd March 2020 North London

So it’s finally happened they (the people above our governments of the world) these powers are so nebulas that some call them banksters, Bill and Melinda Gates Goldman Sachs, Mosad, deep states, Davos Cabal, Bilderberg and so on. I really don’t care but collectively they are evil and satanic. They have lorded over the world flying in and out of countries pontificating how we should live. Yet their actions are generally self-interest and at times, sugar coated in a non profit organisation.

For the past years from around 2001, I was becoming so aware that something was not right in the world with the government of the USA, UK and Europe. Obviously the incident of the twin towers got me questioning so many things and as I saw the towers fall I was working at a London College and even as the fell I wonder why did they fall so uniformly as if it was demolished, I had a American Colleague, her Name was Karen so I rushed to her office to see if shewas okay. Obviously she was very upset; she was on the phone trying to get thorough to friends and family in New York. Maybe it wasn’t the right time but in the office (not very big, about twelve foot by six) with about six of us there, I asked the question in a softly spoken voice. “Why did they fall so uniformly”, I asked just out of curiosity. Karen was such a lovely colleague and always helpful, but she brutishly volunteered an answer, “Because two f…king planes just flow into them,” the answer was so out of character. But the hurt, worry, confusion and a soup of emotion was understandable she felt for her family back home. But also she was angry and felt that the attack was a personal attack on her and her family. It is the definition of a nationalist when you associate the actions between two countries as a slit on them personally. It removes objectivity It scared me how such a beautiful soul refused remain objective and to see that it was strange. However this surprise was multiplied by infinity when I watched the American news and UK news and the response from governments and the lac of investigation. Just a commission or an inquiry.

So why do I mention this? Well because from that day and all the wars that ensued after I realised the Lies and misrepresentations I was being told by Govt and media . By omission they lie. For example they omitted to mention to discuss or acknowledge that building seven came down by a controlled explosion and they ran and supported the narrative of the unelected unrepresented few that this was carried out by a few men.

This event was not the first event that led us to where we are now but it was the most important False flag event of my life time until this week. Since the so called 9/11 false flag event we have many, many, small events, the Boston Bombers is the most interesting, the declared perpetrator and was declared dead but the was shown on the news in handcuffs and just his boxer shorts, But we were told he was killed.

Anyway this week they have surpassed themselves. These disgraceful people have planned by design or opportunity to crash the world economy under the narrative of a pandemic. In the UK our elderly people are on lock down (house arrest). They (the evil ones) carried out a switch and bait. Instead of closing the banks; thus possibly causing a run on the banks, As an alternative they closed the economic activity of the world, ruining millions of hardworking peoples lives all over the world and no doubt causing suicides and family breakdowns. This obviously has been supported by the media news selling fear and distress to the mass population. Demanding why the Criminister has not insisted we all stay away from each other and what has now become a new term “Self isolate”. The only thing that makes us human is the loving relationships that we have and they took it away as an excuse to cause panic, fear and of course dispear. Then came the real reason on Sunday last week 15th March 2020 USA Federal reserve reduce rates to zero and introduced Billions of QE $750 Billion to infinity I think but who’s counting , The same in the UK on Thursday they decided to take over the majority of businesses payroll, to bailout businesses that were profitable before the lock down , In other words the caused the collapse of the business and claimed a national emergency then came to save them. The definition of a bully. They then told the eldery do not leave your house for twelve weeks. They then introduce trillions of £ $ and Euros of spending to save us all. We were all going quite well last week. This Covid 19 virus is a cover for their years of incompetence the banks had finally stopped lending to each other overnight . A clear indicator that the jig was up the con had to come to an end. It could have been done peacefully by a debt jubilee or something of the like, but no these evil unseen people weren’t going to go quietly.

In the end They are going to hyper inflate the currencies across the world and impoverish billions of hard working people and then start again with a new digital slave-currency. But I pray God is watching them and ready to smit them down and the age of Kaluga ends with a bright new dawn where the people are reborn into a new system, where the people have a peaceful stand with love and kindness and do no harm at the centre of the decision making . I hope all the media mockingbird reports are judged in hell for parroting the narrative of the evil people and not questioning and if not able to question not resigning in disgust, leaving your job would have been the honourable thing to do I hope you all burn in Hell Andrew Marr et al at the BBC, ITV News Channel 4, CNN, Foxnews. Reuters and all the so called Western media. You are culpable and Judgement is coming for you all.

TO the Egos called politicians you took your orders well and carried out the pretence of freedom impressively well. But you to will face the wrath of your maker for your sophism and mooted debating skills shame on you. I pray you burn in hell.

And to your unseen leaders who think they are masters of the universe and will send us all to smart cities, beware what you wish for, the resistance is alive and well we to are unseen and untouchable we to can work in the shadows, but the difference is we will never succumb to evil.

I heard Martin Luther King say hate is to great a burden to bear, but I cannot but hate you all because you hate love peace and kindness. You only love causing pain to other people for your own gain. , but now we fight back.

Thankfully I have managed to keep sane by listening to honest inidividuals who value freedom of spirit. I would like to thank the following people in no particular order:-

Jeff Berwick Dollar Vigilanty
Max Kieser and Stacy Hubert
Geald Celenta
Peter Schiff and His father a true hero
Greg Hunter USA watchdog
David Icke
Ritche Allen
Sovereign Man
Rupert Sheldrake
Jim Rickhards
Mike Malone
Chris Martenson Peak prosperity
Caitlin Johnstone
Julian Assange
Chealsea Maning
Tony Benn and so manay manay more........

The Above list of Angels saved my sanity they showed me what the world was about cleared my thinking and taught me to trust my instincts, that humanity is better than being locked down in a pandemic that is being used as a cover for hyperinflation I send my love and gratitude to you all for guiding me over the years which has so far meant I should be financially unscathed and thriving.

However more importantly I am so much more spiritually stronger by listening to you guys . I listened to you all to seek knowledge of the political and financial world, which I found in spades but my surprise was I found humanity in you all which lead me to finding myself.

Your talks, podcasts. Blogs, walks and talks has been my solace. Thank you so much beyond words

For the forcible future I have to give strength to my extended family who are confused about the situation in the United Kingdom and the world in general; my 74 and 76 year old parents who I can no longer kiss or hung or stand next to their grandchildren, because of a unnecessary government decree. As bad as I expected things to get I was mentally and spiritually prepared for this. Thinking it would be a pre prepared t3rr0r event. But I was never prepared for them to strip every human being on the plant from associating with their love ones and by corollary an attempt to kill the human spirt with pamdemic statistical sophism and falsehoods.

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