Self Improvement - Learn From Children

in #life6 years ago


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Self improvement is something everyone of us personally aspire to achieve, but untill we consciously decide to get rid of our weaknesses and uplift our strengths, then there is no way we will be able to to improve our selves. Improving one's self is an exercise which is sporadic at best, to make it work out on a continuous basis, there is need to be consistently aware of our thoughts and actions and also be able to direct them towards a more positive direction. The beginning point of improvement is with self awareness, and that’s one reason why it's quite possible to observe much from the world of children in taking your first steps towards improving yourself:

  • If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again
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If you have ever observed your child or perhaps any other child trying to make their very first steps, you would better understand what am talking about. Kids may fall on their butt a lot of times, but they always find a way to get up and continue the attempt to walk again. Pretty soon enough, walking would become second nature to them rather than a conscious attempt. This very instinctive attitude of children is a basic lesson of self improvement to continue trying and trying again even if you fail at first. Let's say you are trying to stop an addiction, you shouldn't be upset by relapses or setbacks; you just need to keep trying until you become able to get yourself rid of the habit totally. It won't be long, staying free of your addiction would become a norm rather than an anomaly.

  • Once bitten, twice shy

Whenever a child falls off the edge of a bed once too often or perhaps touches an electric socket they become wary of getting too close to a switch or the foot of the bed again. Through experience, children learn that some certain things are quite dangerous and should be avoided. Quite similar to when one is trying to improve ones self, it’s important to remember that you must learn from negative past experiences if you really want to achieve success and progress. Let's say you have suffered because of an unhealthy or abusive relationship, you shouldn't go right back into another one because you are scared of being lonely. Remember the fact that you suffered the hurt, it’s going to happen again if you repeat your mistakes in the same pattern, rather than learning from them.

You wouldn't easily find children complaining about the way they look or having to worry too much about being too skinny or too fat or not being good enough. Children look at the mirror just to make faces at each other; they pick their clothes based on the bright colors and funny pictures attached, they really don’t care if they don’t match; and lastly they look beyond the outward appearance of people and focus on what lies inside. In your attempt to improve yourself, look not at the way you appear, rather than do that, look on how you treat people and yourself. Focus on improving your inner beauty, your inner value ather than boosting your outward appearance. If you are a truly kind and caring person, your outward looks wouldn't matter.

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